
SNAPSHOT: Local Leaders Share Lessons Learned and Plan for Sustainable Anti-Trafficking Efforts
Three months after being trained on trafficking and safe migration, local leaders committed to protecting their communities met in Svay Rieng province in Cambodia to share their lessons learned and create plans for community-lead anti-trafficking activities.
ASLI_Invitation for KPI Public Consultation Meetings
The Alliance for Sustainable Palm Oil (ASLI) has been developing a self-assessment tool, Key Performance Indicator (KPI), for palm oil plantations to monitor and ensure that they are conducting palm oil practices in a responsible and sustainable way.
Introduction to KPI-ENG
Indonesia is the largest palm oil producer in the world. Indonesia’s palm oil industry represents both a significant threat and a significant opportunity to the realization of Indonesia’s development objectives to reduce social gaps and to balance the use, availability, and sustainability of natural resources and the environment.