
Household Energy for Improved Health & Livelihoods
Some three billion people worldwide burn solid fuels for cooking and heating in open fires or traditional stoves. The resulting household air pollution causes over four million premature deaths annually and a range of chronic and acute health complications. Inefficient cookstoves also place pressures on ecosystems and forests, and contribute to climate change through greenhouse […]
Bioenergy Handout
Winrock has played a key technical and knowledge transfer role in sustainable bioenergy development for more than two decades. Our experts in forestry, agriculture, clean energy, enterprise development, and governance create the interdisciplinary teams needed to ensure that bioenergy delivers sustainable outcomes.
Clean Energy Brochure
Over the past 20 years Winrock has supported energy activities and programs in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Brazil, Chad, China, El Salvador, Georgia, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Macedonia, Mexico, Nepal, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda, Vietnam and the U.S.
USAID Clean Energy Program
The USAID Vietnam Clean Energy Program is USAID’s flagship 5 year initiative to promote a cleaner environment in Vietnam. Initiated in October 2012, its primary objective is to build capacity and strengthen the foundation for low emissions energy systems to contribute to the larger overall USAID goal of accelerating Vietnam’s climate resilience and achieve low […]
USAID Macedonia Clean Energy Investment Project
The USAID Clean Energy Investment Project (CEI Project) is three-year project, initiated in April 2013 that supports the Government of Macedonia (GoM) in implementing relevant strategies with the goal to increase investment in energy from renewable sources, and reduce Macedonia’s total final energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Enhancing Capacity for Low Emission Development Strategies EC-LEDS Clean Energy Program
The purpose of the EC-LEDS Clean Energy Program is to support Georgia’s efforts to increase climate change mitigation through energy efficiency and clean energy. The broader goal is to enable more responsible management and development of Georgia’s natural endowments.
SUCCESS STORY Increasing Women’s Participation in Nigeria’s Renewable Energy Sector
One of the main objectives of the USAID‐funded Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program (REEEP) isto provide vocational training and create awareness of the benefits of renewable energy and energy efficiency – for both men and women.
SUCCESS STORY Building a Cadre of Women Solar Entrepreneurs, Engineers, and Technicians Among Nigeria’s Youth
One of the main objectives of the USAID-funded Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program (REEEP) is to provide vocational training and create awareness of the benefits of renewable energy and energy efficiency – for both men and women. To help accomplish this, REEEP is collaborating with the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) by training a […]
Creating A Legal Basis for Community Co- Management of Wetlands
In Bangladesh, freshwater wetlands provide fish, an important source of protein, to millions of people. These “haor” ecosystems are threatened by over-harvesting of fish and destruction of wetlands for other land uses.