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Winrock International


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Expanding the Migration Map: CSO Data from Laos

Migration is a significant aspect of life in Laos as individuals travel to seek better opportunities or refuge from challenging circumstances, resulting in notable internal and cross-border movements. However, despite the prevalence of these journeys, comprehensive data on human trafficking and exploitation in the country is limited. Consequently, Laos has received less attention than its […]

Understanding Survivor-Owned Groups: A Systematic Literature Review and Narrative Synthesis

There is a burgeoning interest in survivor-centered programming in the field of counter human trafficking. However, according to our understanding, survivor-centered programming requires meaningful survivor engagement, and survivor engagement can only truly be meaningful if survivors are sufficiently empowered. However, limited guidance is available around the building of survivor empowerment. Evidence shows that, in general, […]

From Crisis to Exploitation – A Case Study of Displaced Returnee Migrants in Satkhira

The findings of this case study are based on focus group discussions carried out by the Bangladesh Program to End Modern Slavery (B-PEMS) AugroJatra team with returnee women migrants in Satkhira city, displaced from their homes in Shyamnogor and Assasuni upazilas due to waterlogging. All names used in this case study have been changed to […]

A Landscape Analysis of Agricultural Service Provision and Barriers Faced by Farmers in Adopting Agricultural Technologies in Four Locations

In Senegal, The Enabling Farmers for Agricultural Transformation (EFAT) Project, led by Winrock International and funded by USAID, will facilitate local extension and advisory service (EAS) providers to develop three pilot EAS delivery models, that is, partnership arrangements to provide advisory and complementary services needed by smallholder farmers. This report identifies technologies for priority USAID […]

A Rapid Assessment of the Dissemination of Soil Improvement Practices in Northern Ghana

Smallholder agriculture systems remain the major contributor to food production in Ghana, accounting for over 80% of the country’s total food output. Smallholder farmers are faced with numerous challenges that negatively affect their production and livelihoods. These challenges include limited access to improved technologies, inadequate finance to support the adoption of new technologies, poor marketing […]

Menu of Services for USAID Missions

The Enabling Farmers for Agricultural Transformation (EFAT), supported by USAID Washington, is a five-year project (2022-2027) that provides technical assistance to USAID missions and implementing partners to strengthen and improve the effectiveness of pluralistic agricultural extension and advisory services and systems (EAS) in boosting the agricultural productivity, incomes, livelihoods and resilience of men and women […]

Baseline Study for the Safe Migration in Central Asia Project

Between July 14 and September 16, 2021, a team of nine researchers based in Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic conducted 133 interviews and 36 focus groups about knowledge, attitudes and practices related to safe migration and human trafficking in Central Asia. In total, 304 individuals participated in the research. 105 of these participants were specialists: […]

 Asia Region CTIP/Safe Migration Digital Tool Study Executive Brief

 According to the ILO, Asia-Pacific is home to more than half of the world’s internet users and around two billion people in the region use internet daily through their mobile phones.1,2 Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the internet has become a vital part of daily life that offers new solutions to emerging and traditional challenges. […]

Winrock Tools

In a world that demands measurement and accountability, Winrock has the tools to provide them. A leader in providing scientific and data-driven accounting of ecosystem services, Winrock has developed a series of innovative tools that marry advanced science with intuitive, user-friendly interfaces to support informed decision-making. Winrock tools monitor greenhouse gas emissions, evaluate the impact […]

Boletín Proyecto Cuenca Alta del Río Lempa: Agosto 2023: Spanish

Geraldina Deras, Técnica del Instituto de ConservaciónForestal de Honduras destacó que el rol del Proyecto CuencaAlta del Río Lempa en la zona “para nosotros es de muchasatisfacción, ya que esto nos ayuda a unir esfuerzos para unacuenca trinacional, de interés de los tres países”. 
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