Smart Navigator Toolkit (Russian)
The USAID Safe Migration in Central Asia activity in partnership with six Kazakh NGOs launched a series of Smart Navigator trainings in six regions of Kazakhstan in 2021. Smart Navigator, first developed by World Vision for South Asia, is designed to educate youth on how to be aware of and avoid being lured into human trafficking and if considering migrating, how to do so safely. The Kazakh NGO partners first helped to adapt the training for Central Asia and then their representatives piloted the training program to 173 students (ages 16-20) at six different colleges. During the four-month program trainers introduced the interactive modules, which incorporated critical thinking skills, understanding the rights of migrants, gender aspects of migration, solution-driven approaches, communication, and other skills aimed to empower youth and at-risk populations with knowledge to better protect themselves. The pre- and post-tests have shown a significant increase in the students’ understanding of both migration issues and human trafficking. In early March 2022, the Ministry of Education approved the implementation of Smart Navigator, a CTIP prevention program for youth, on the base of Orphanages/Youth Houses nationwide. SMICA aims to educate and mentor social workers, social teachers, and psychologists at these organizations on how to use the Smart Navigator program in their work with children.
The 11 sessions of the Smart Navigator program include:
Session 1: Organization of a Youth Club. Reflections on Life
Session 2: What is Trafficking? What is Migration? Child Labor and Child Trafficking. Trafficking in Children for The Purpose of Sex Exploitation
Session 3: Why the Risk of Trafficking is Everywhere. Gender Discrimination and Women at Risk
Session 4: Rights of the Child. Risks, Stigma, and Discrimination against Migrants’ Children. Internet Safety.
Session 5: Why the Risk of Trafficking is Everywhere. Traffickers’ Tricks Used on Migrants. How to Recognize A Trafficker.
Session 6: Expression of Opinion. Listening Skills. Managing Emotions
Session 7: Decision-Making Skills. Where and How to Obtain More Information
Session 8: “Safe Migration” Checklist. Safety on the Way. Action on Arrival. Myths about Migration
Session 9: Drug and Alcohol Use in Trafficking What To Do if You are a Victims of Trafficking? Reflection, the Path to Safe Migration
Session 10: Why You Need a Job and How to Find it
Session 11: Sharing Your Knowledge with Others. Events in Your Community