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Winrock International

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Winrock And Concordia Confront Global Challenges At 2017 Summit

October 9, 2017|post

Winrock President and CEO Rodney Ferguson and other Winrock leaders were among the 3,300 delegates attending the 2017 Concordia Summit , a gathering of leaders and innovators from across governments, sectors and the world. “Winrock’s thought leadership is well represented at the 2017 Concordia Summit with our partnerships on the Campaign Against Labor Trafficking and the […]

An Arkansas First: USG Invests Direct Dollars Into Startups Via Winrock’s Delta I-Fund

September 26, 2017|post

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — September 26, 2017 — The U.S. Department of Commerce announced that Winrock International has been awarded a $279,202 grant for the Delta Innovation Fund (I-Fund) to create early-stage seed capital funds through the Economic Development Administration’s Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS) program. “The Trump Administration is committed to strengthening U.S. production and […]

September Volunteers of the Month

September 15, 2017|volunteer

Winrock’s September Volunteers of the Month are dynamic duo, Dr. Jonathan Deenik and Dr. Glen Fukumoto. They both come from the University of Hawaii at Manoa and volunteered together this summer in Myanmar, providing training to 77 farmers in Hmawbi Township on soil quality improvement techniques, including soil fertility management and composting using poultry and […]

Former Volunteer Tells All

August 30, 2017|post

For the last 26 years, Winrock has facilitated more than 5,000 volunteer assignments in 58 countries as part of the USAID John Ogonowski and Doug Bereuter Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) program – but what does volunteering mean in a development context? Who typically volunteers with Winrock, and what do they do? Jen Snow, Winrock’s associate director of […]

Breaking New Ground

July 28, 2017|post

Joel Gordon grew up in North Little Rock and remembers a time when its downtown area — dubbed Argenta  — was “the area of town that you tried not to be caught in.” These days, though, Argenta is “absolutely blooming.” Gordon, now the executive director of the Innovation Hub at Winrock International, is seeing the […]

Spirited Discussions on Modern Teaching Techniques in Nigeria

July 18, 2017|volunteer

In May of this year, I traveled to Nigeria for the first time. Dr. Scott Haskell accompanied me as a Winrock volunteer. Our task for this travel was to offer pedagogical training and workshops on curriculum development training to the faculty of Enugu State Polytechnic College. I was a little apprehensive; I wasn’t sure if […]

One Man’s Fight for Girls’ Education

July 7, 2017|post

South Sudan gained independence on July 9, 2011, but the nation still struggles. More than 3.5 million people have been displaced, 5.5 million are severely food insecure and more than 1 million are acutely malnourished, according to the U.N.’s May 2017 Development Report. In honor of the world’s newest nation,  we revisit a project that […]

What is the Water Security Improvement Process?

July 5, 2017|post

Improving water security means empowering everyone — water managers and users, businesses, and citizens — to regularly assess and address water risks. By collaborating with communities, we can negotiate project activities which will best reduce negative effects of a particular area’s primary water risks. The Sustainable Water Partnership’s Water Security Improvement (WSI) process relies heavily […]

Sustainable Water Partnership to Appear at World Water Week

July 3, 2017|post

The Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP) will host a showcase at World Water Week (August 27-September 1) in Stockholm, Sweden. This global annual conference, organized by Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), acts as a focal point for water experts, decision-makers, businesses and thought leaders concerned with water issues. This year’s theme is “Water and Waste – […]

Improved Training and Services for Small-Scale Farmers in Nigeria

June 8, 2017|volunteer

Constrained by a lack of resources, public extension services in Nigeria fall far short of the goal of one extension agent for every 800 farmers. In this context, agribusinesses and social enterprises like Babban Gona play a key role in expanding small-scale farmers’ access to training. Babban Gona (“Great Farm” in Hausa), an innovative agricultural […]
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