FACT Net: FACT Sheets

Acacias for the Hot Dry Subtropics
Acacia angustissima – a promising species for agroforestry?
Acacia aneura – a desert fodder tree
Acacia auriculiformis – a multipurpose tropical wattle
Acacia holosericea – a successful newcomer for the dry tropics
Acacia koa – Hawaii’s most valued native tree
Acacia leucophloea – shade and fodder for livestock in arid environments
Acacia mangium – an important multipurpose tree for the tropic lowlands
Acacia mearnsii – multipurpose highland legume tree
Acacia nilotica – pioneer for dry lands
Acacia saligna – for dryland fodder and soil stabilization
Acacia senegal – gum tree with promise for agroforestry
Acacia seyal – multipurpose tree of the Sahara desert
Acacia tortilis – fodder tree for desert sands
Actinorhizal – trees useful in cool to cold regions
Adenanthera pavonina – an underutilized tree of the humid tropics
Albizia lebbeck – a promising fodder tree for semi-arid regions
Albizia odoratissima – Tea Shade Tree
Albizia procera – white siris for reforestation and agroforestry
Albizia saman – pasture improvement, shade, timber and more
Alnus acuminata – valuable timber tree for tropical highlands
Alnus nepalensis – a multipurpose tree for the tropical highlands
Andira inermis – more than a beautiful ornamental tree
Azadirachta indica – neem, a versatile tree for the tropics and subtropics
Cajanus cajan – it’s more than just a pulse crop
Calliandra calothyrsus – an Indonesian discovery for humid tropical regions
Casuarina species – difficult sites are home to casuarina
Casuarina cunninghamiana – the river she-oak
Casuarina equisetifolia – an old-timer with a new future
Casuarina glauca – a hardy tree with many attributes
Casuarina junghuhniana – a highly adaptable tropical casuarina
Chamaecytisus palmensis – hardy, productive fodder shrub
Dalbergia latifolia – the high-valued Indian rosewood
Dalbergia melanoxylon – valuable wood from a neglected tree
Dalbergia sissoo – the versatile rosewood
Elaeagnus – a widely distributed temperate nitrogen fixer
Enterolobium cyclocarpum – the ear pod
Erythrina edulis – multipurpose tree for the tropical highlands
Erythrina poeppigiana – shade tree gains new perspectives
Erythrina sandwicensis – Unique Hawaiian NFT
Erythrina variegata – more than a pretty tree
Faidherbia albida – inverted phenology supports dryzone agroforestry
Flemingia macrophyla – a valuable species in soil conservation
Gleditsia triacanthos – honeylocust, widely adapted temperate zone fodder tree
Gliricidia sepium – the quintessential agroforestry species
Gmelina arborea – a popular plantation species in the tropics
Grevillea robusta – a versatile and popular tree for farm forestry
Growing Gliricidia
Guazuma ulmifolia – widely adapted tree for fodder and more
Hippophaë rhamnoides – an NFT valued for centuries
Honey Mesquite – a multipurpose tree for arid lands
Hymenaea courbaril – the flour tree
Inga edulis – a tree for acid soils in the humid tropics
Juliflorae acacias – new food source for the Sahel
Improving Markets for Farm Forestry Products
Leucaena species – an important multipurpose tree
Leucaena diversifolia – fast growing highland NFT species
Growing Leucaena
Leucaena leucocephala – a versatile nitrogen fixing tree
Leucaena psyllids – a review of the problem and its solutions
Mimosa scabrella– the tree that fueled the railroads of Brazil
Moringa oleifera – a perfect tree for home gardens
Myroxylon – balsam and much more
NFT Gums – ancient and modern commerical products
Olneya tesota – a potential food crop for hot arid zones
Ougeinia dalbergioides – a multipurpose tree for sub-tropical and tropical mountain regions
Paraserianthes falcataria – Southeast Asia’s growth champion
Pentaclethra macrophylla – a multipurpose tree from Africa with potential for agroforestry in the tropics
Pithecellobium dulce – sweet and thorny
Pongamia pinnata – a nitrogen fixing tree for oilseed
Prosopis alba and Prosopis chilensis – subtropical semiarid fuel and fodder trees
Prosopis cineraria – a multipurpose tree for arid areas
Prosopis pallida – pioneer species for dry, saline shores
Prosopis tamarugo – uniquely adapted to the Atacama Desert of Northern Chile
Pterocarpus erinaceus – an important legume tree in African savannas
Pterocarpus indicus – the majestic N-fixing tree
Robinia pseudoacacia – temperate legume tree with worldwide potential
Senna siamea – a widely used legume tree
Sesbania grandiflora – NFT for beauty, food, fodder and soil improvement
Sesbania sesban – widely distributed multipurpose NFT
Ziziphus mauritiana – a valuable tree for arid and semi-arid lands
Why Nitrogen Fixing Trees?
Use of neem as a Biological Pest Control agent
Chinese Translations
Acacia leucophloea
Acacia mangium
Adenanthera pavonina
Calliandra calothyrsus
Flemingia macrophylla
Gliricidia sepium
Hippophaë rhamnoides
Why NFTs?