USAID Partners Launch Online Campaign Marking World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, July 29, 2021 – The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Safe Migration in Central Asia program, implemented by Winrock International, and its partners from Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Uzbekistan have launched a digital campaign to raise public awareness about human trafficking and measures to identify and avoid being trafficked. The campaign will conclude on July 30, World Day against Trafficking in Persons.
Members of the public can use the hashtags #ЯпротивТорговлиЛюдьми (#IAmAgainstHumanTrafficking) and #ОстановимТорговлюЛюдьми2021 (#StopHumanTrafficking2021) to join the online campaign. In Kazakhstan, the NGOs Legal Center of Women’s Initiatives Sana Sezim, Zhariya, Meyerim, Rodnik, Taldikorgan Regional Centre of Women’s Support, Darys, and Damitu are part of the campaign. The NGOs Ulibka, Blagodat, Aimira, Oazis, and El Agartuu from the Kyrgyz Republic, and Istikobolli Avlod and Nikhol from Uzbekistan are also part of the campaign.
Human trafficking includes the purchase, sale, or exploitation of a person by means of deception, force, threat, as well as restriction of freedom or exploitation of person’s vulnerability. Each participating NGO provides direct assistance to survivors of human trafficking.
Throughout the campaign, participating NGOs are posting real stories of survivors of trafficking. These stories illustrate how people can identify the signs of trafficking, how to report suspected traffickers, and where to seek help if one has fallen victim to trafficking.
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