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Winrock International


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Watch How can private sector extension drive climate-resilient agriculture? on YouTube

How can private sector extension drive climate-resilient agriculture?

Agricultural extension is no longer the sole domain of the public sector in low- and middle-income countries, with multiple nongovernmental organizations, donor-funded projects, producer organizations and private firms all providing a range of advisory services to smallholder farmers. Local agribusinesses, private farm advisors and input suppliers, as well as large multinational companies with global supply […]
Watch USAID Asia CTIP – Journey of Anwar and Fahmida on YouTube

USAID Asia CTIP – Journey of Anwar and Fahmida

This animated video was adapted based on real-life stories told by survivors from a research project conducted on national referral mechanisms by USAID Asia CTIP. The animated video illustrates the contrasting journeys of two Bangladeshi survivors in their struggle for reintegration and the challenges and actors involved in this process. The goal of this animation […]
Watch Introducing the Jamaica Supporting Victims of Violence project on YouTube

Introducing the Jamaica Supporting Victims of Violence project

Introducing the Jamaica Supporting Victims of Violence project, funded by USAID and implemented by Winrock International and local partners Eve for Life and Rise Life Management. Chief of Party Charlene Coore Desai says the project’s goal is to “promote a culture of nonviolence and respect for human rights within communities, and to help boost current […]
Watch The Path to Freedom on YouTube

The Path to Freedom

As part of the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, which is marked annually on July 30, Winrock’s USAID Safe Migration in Central Asia (SMICA) project created the documentary film “The Path to Freedom” in collaboration with the Law Enforcement Academy under Kazakhstan’s Prosecutor General Office. The film tells the stories of three survivors who […]
Watch Solar Water Supply Pump Installed in the Community of Abiyot Fana, Amhara National Regional State, February 23, 2024 on YouTube

Solar Water Supply Pump Installed in the Community of Abiyot Fana, Amhara National Regional State, February 23, 2024

Solar water supply pump installed in the community of Abiyot Fana, Amhara National Regional State, February 23, 2024, to replace the existing diesel powered pump. Winrock facilitated the community Water Committee to purchase the pump through a three-year lease-to-own agreement.
Watch Thai Crop Inside Ep 02 – Cassava Flour on YouTube

Thai Crop Inside Ep 02 – Cassava Flour

Cassava ranks among the top of Thailand’s cash crops, with global export shares of approximately 60% in 2022. Cassava has been in daily products, albeit in processed forms such as noodles and bakery, disinfecting alcohol, paper, glue, fiber, pharmaceutical capsules. This video highlights an emerging consumer product made from cassava that is gluten-flour cassava flour. […]
Watch Module 1: International Anti-Trafficking Legal Framework and Principles of Anti-Trafficking on YouTube

Module 1: International Anti-Trafficking Legal Framework and Principles of Anti-Trafficking

In this module, participants will learn an overview of the global and regional phenomenon of trafficking in persons, including global and regional trafficking in persons trends and legal instruments that may be engaged in the context of trafficking in persons cases. The topics covered in this module also include the core key principles that apply […]
Watch Module 1: The International Anti-Trafficking Legal Framework and Principles of Anti  Trafficking Practice (Thai) on YouTube

Module 1: The International Anti-Trafficking Legal Framework and Principles of Anti Trafficking Practice (Thai)

In this module, participants will learn about the international and regional legal framework related to human trafficking cases, including criminal, labour, immigration, and human rights laws. The first training will also introduce participants to the key definitions and terms such as human trafficking, forced labour, child labour, and migrant smuggling.
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