“Banks have a critical role to play in the fight against climate change by divesting from fossil fuels and funding the clean energy solutions of the future.” BankFWD Co-Chair Valerie Rockefeller explains the mission of BankFWD to accelerate transition to a just, zero-carbon economy by influencing banks to align their business strategies with the 1.5 […]
“Biodiversity and the protection of biodiversity is really fundamental to ensuring that resilience can be achieved all around the world.” Winrock’s Matthew Maltby explains the importance of biodiversity and the role of well-managed protected areas in strengthening resilience to climate change.
“Coastal marshes can capture up to 10 times the amount of carbon that an average upland forest would.” Winrock’s Dr. Blanca Bernal explains how coastal ecosystems capture and store “blue carbon” and why protecting the world’s diminishing coastal ecosystems is critical in the fight against climate change.
“Forests are a natural climate solution.” In the inaugural episode of Winrock’s Climate 1.5 series, Winrock’s Dr. Timothy Pearson, Director of Ecosystem Services, explains why conservation and restoration of forests is so critical in the fight against climate change.