Volunteer Posts

Maybe Not So Far From Home…
July 30, 2014
Edie Shannon, who has just returned from Soumbalako, Guinea, shares the following insights: NOT Central Guinea is a long way from my home in miles, and centuries away in living conditions. I am here to work with a large farm union to help them in organizational development. They know they should be doing more than […]
Rainy Days in Burma
July 25, 2014
Well, the rainy day bit is true. The rains have arrived, and they are nothing if not persistent. Thunderously loud, they dominated my training, fortuitously coming at the end of the day to usher us out the door.
Potato Omelette Sandwiches and Building Capacity in Guinea
July 23, 2014
The latest is an update from, recent Guinea volunteer, Dan Quinn on his experience with Winrock’s AEMIP program, which helps promote food security and sustainable farming practices. On my first day in Faranah it rained. It rained hard. The day started as I stood under an umbrella, held up only by a bent fork, waiting […]
Mountains of Memories: Meet the Farmer-to-Farmer staff in Nepal
July 21, 2014
Winrock International has a long history of contributing to Nepal’s development and has been working to increase economic opportunity and sustain resources while protecting the environment of Nepal for over 30 years. Across three decades, Winrock in Nepal has periodically shifted program focus to address the current needs of the country, designing specific thematic programs […]
Transferring Knowledge and Technologies for Agricultural Growth: The Farmer-to-Farmer model
July 18, 2014
This article is a contribution to a week-long blog carnival on USAID’s John Ogonowski and Doug Bereuter Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program. From July 14-18, F2F program partners and American volunteers are sharing their knowledge and experience of providing technical assistance to farmers, farm groups, agribusinesses, service providers, and other agriculture sector institutions in developing and transitional […]
F2F-Supported Organization Receives Award in Bangladesh
July 17, 2014
This article is a contribution to a week-long blog carnival on USAID’s John Ogonowski and Doug Bereuter Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program. From July 14-18, F2F program partners and American volunteers are sharing their knowledge and experience of providing technical assistance to farmers, farm groups, agribusinesses, service providers, and other agriculture sector institutions in developing and transitional […]
Helping People Feed Themselves
July 16, 2014
This article is a contribution to a week-long blog carnival on USAID’s John Ogonowski and Doug Bereuter Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program. From July 14-18, F2F program partners and American volunteers are sharing their knowledge and experience of providing technical assistance to farmers, farm groups, agribusinesses, service providers, and other agriculture sector institutions in developing and transitional […]
Winrock at a Glance
July 14, 2014
This article is a contribution to a week-long blog carnival on USAID’s John Ogonowski and Doug Bereuter Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program. From July 14-18, F2F program partners and American volunteers are sharing their knowledge and experience of providing technical assistance to farmers, farm groups, agribusinesses, service providers, and other agriculture sector institutions in developing and transitional […]
Witnessing Changes in Bangladesh
July 11, 2014
Today’s blog post comes from Gurbinder Gill, who recently volunteered with Winrock’s USAID Asia Farmer-to-Farmer Program in Bangladesh:
Volunteering: A core American value
July 2, 2014
Todays post is written by Demetria Arvanitis, Director of Winrock’s Volunteer Technical Assistance Team: