Volunteer Posts

Happy Earth Day 2019!
April 22, 2019
Today, April 22, we celebrate Earth Day. The 2019 Earth Day campaign centers on the protection of animal species. The Earth Day network notes that “All living things have an intrinsic value, and each plays a unique role in the complex web of life. We must work together to protect endangered and threatened species.” Among […]
Volunteering with Winrock
April 10, 2019
Its National Volunteer Week! This week we celebrate all the great work volunteers do around the world to build up communities by dedicating their skills, time and energy. We are also taking the time to look towards the future and all the great opportunities that can still be met. Since 1991, Winrock has fielded over […]
Arkansas Roots, Arkansas Volunteers, and Arkansas University Partnerships
April 9, 2019
Winrock International is known for our work across the globe and throughout the United States, but we maintain strong roots in Arkansas, where our work began. Along with our headquarters, Winrock Initiatives like Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub are still based out of Arkansas. Our U.S. Programs division continues work in Arkansas as well like our […]
Beginnings and Firsts
March 21, 2019
At the beginning of 2019, Winrock staff from West Africa traveled to the U.S. to discuss the last five years and the next five years of the Farmer-to-Farmer program with other implementing partners. Afterward, everyone on Winrock’s F2F team met, some for the first time, in Washington, D.C., to discuss changes and new ideas. One […]
Extension Specialist Helps Goat Producers in Nepal
March 14, 2019
Dr. David Fernandez, agricultural extension livestock specialist and interim dean of graduate studies and continuing education at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, recently volunteered with Winrock International as part of the USAID Farmer to Farmer program in southwestern Nepal. There, he helped local goat farmers optimize their production practices. “Goat farming is an […]
Learning from the Past Years with Farmer to Farmer
December 20, 2018
Mike Bassey joined Winrock International in April 2011. Mike is a Certified Accountant and has a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Roehampton, London. Before his work with F2F, Mike managed the Drucker Center for Entrepreneurship Development (DCED) of the Kaduna Business School before joining the World Bank/Government of Nigeria Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise […]
Once a Volunteer, Always a Friend
December 5, 2018
International Volunteer Day is celebrated on December 5 every year. It serves as an opportunity for organizations like Winrock to celebrate volunteerism and reflect on the inspiring work of our volunteers. An important part of volunteerism, and of particular importance to the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) program, are the people-to-people connections and cultural bridges formed by […]
From Myanmar to California: Learning to Grow Green Gold
December 4, 2018
Dr. Michael B. Thomas is an agribusiness consultant who has worked in more than 20 countries in the last 20 years as an agricultural and agribusiness expert. Twelve avocado producers, members of the Myanmar Avocado Producer and Exporter Association (MAVO) – a recently formed group of both large and smallholder farmers, have recently completed a […]
Giving Thanks for a Great Program
November 21, 2018
Mama joined Winrock in June 2014, but she has known about Winrock for many years, as she is a member of the Africa Women Leaders in Agriculture and Environment (AWLAE) network that Winrock helped form and strengthen in the 1980s. She received her Master’s in International Agriculture Education from the University of Arizona and spent many […]
Harnessing Senegal’s Post-Harvest Potential Through the Farmer-to-Farmer Program
October 22, 2018
This October, I had the opportunity to leave my post here at Agrilinks to do a volunteer consulting assignment helping develop the next phase of Winrock’s Farmer-to-Farmer program in Senegal. Having worked in international development across the African continent for 15 years, this was among the most satisfying assignments I’ve completed. That’s not just because it meant […]