July 2016
In Search of Douc Langurs
July 28, 2016
What in the world is a black-shanked douc langur, and how do you find one? First, you might want to research this endangered monkey so you’ll know what to look for. It has a distinctive grayish blue and orange face and long hind legs that make it very agile. Next, pack your bags, because the black-shanked […]Four Ways to Address the Mental Health Needs of Trafficking Victims
July 28, 2016
By Olga DiPretoro and Dr. Tania Herbert July 30 marks the third World Day against Human Trafficking, a day set aside to promote awareness and show solidarity with victims of this crime. Human trafficking takes place all over the world and includes forced and bonded labor, sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, organ harvesting, child soldiers and […]The Education of Wilson Mbage
July 27, 2016
Story and Photography: Tom Willcox To Wilson Mbage of Yambio town, South Sudan, taking care of his six daughters was about securing better marriage arrangements for them — not getting them an education. He often kept them home from school so they could help him with the farm and household chores. “To be honest, I […]The Long Voyage Home
July 22, 2016
They left to work — to make a decent income and forge a better life for themselves and their families. But the 54 Cambodian men who were lured away from their homes and country for what they thought was legal fishing in Malaysia quickly discovered the truth. They had been trafficked to Thai fishing boats. […]Winrock’s A/D/C Fellow in Burma
July 17, 2016
Since 2004, staff of Winrock’s John D. Rockefeller 3rd Scholars Program have been working to track down former fellows of the Agricultural Development Council, Winrock’s predecessor organization, which gave graduate degree scholarships to 588 students in 16 Asian countries between 1954 and 1985. It was easy to find former A/D/C fellows in Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand […]My Experience with the JDR 3RD Scholars Program
July 17, 2016
The winning research team, commissioned through an open grant competition, was led by Dr. (Ms.) Ai Thanda Kyaw, Assistant Veterinary Officer at the Yangon City Development Committee. She and her team carried out the first participatory household survey conducted by the Ministry of Livestock in Myanmar. The survey yielded a clear picture of the impacts […]The House That Bats Built
July 17, 2016
At first, just a few dark shapes streak through the sky, but as the sun sets over Cambodia’s Svay Rieng province, the pace quickly picks up. Soon, thousands of bats are swarming from their roosts as they begin their nightly hunt for insects. “I have 50,000 to 60,000 bats living here,” says The Koeung, pointing […]Busted!
July 8, 2016
Slow Boat From Burma
July 7, 2016
On June 19, a large container ship left the port of Rangoon, Burma (also known as Myanmar), with the first shipment of specialty Burmese coffee beans destined for a North American market. These aren’t just any beans. Years of hard work went into their production, and the pride of a new coffee market rides with […]