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Winrock International

2023 Annual Report

A Letter from President and CEO Maqsoda Maqsodi and Joyjit Deb Roy, Chief Global Programs & Development Officer and former Acting President and CEO (2023)

It’s humbling to look back at the work our organization completed ─ and started ─ over the course of an entire calendar year. Winrock teams made a measurable difference addressing some of the world’s most pressing challenges in so many different ways in 2023, and we’re both incredibly proud to be a part of it. 

Climate change remained at the forefront of our efforts. Through innovative partnerships and groundbreaking projects, we not only expanded our clean energy and climate initiatives but also implemented sustainable agricultural practices that reduced carbon emissions. In all, Winrock’s work helped reduce, sequester or avoid 37.3 million metric tons of GHGs (in CO2e) according to our 2023 indicator data. We also launched major new climate and environment projects during the year, including in Vietnam, the U.S. and India, among other places. 

Our resilience programs partnered with communities to help people withstand and adapt to the growing impacts of climate change, providing vital support in the face of increasing natural disasters; 2023 also saw significant advancements in our agriculture and water projects. In all, Winrock’s work with farmers, fishing communities and entrepreneurs resulted in more than 1 million hectares coming under improved technologies and management practices. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and collaborating with local partners and the private sector on community-driven solutions, we also improved access to clean water and enhanced economic opportunities. That locally led work included expanding access to affordable finance and markets for under-resourced people in the U.S. and around the world. 

Our human rights programs continue to be instrumental in countering human trafficking, reducing child labor, increasing educational opportunities for girls and protecting vulnerable populations around the world. This critical work is expanding and now includes support for communities in countries impacted by climate-related migration. In 2023 we initiated new human rights projects in the Caribbean, South and Central Asia; in all, Winrock and our partners helped to identify or refer 3,680 survivors of trafficking, child labor, exploitation or gender-based violence to services during the year.

Winrock’s projects continue to lay the groundwork for a more equitable future, directly supporting more than 1 million people across our portfolio in 2023. Moving forward, we remain committed to driving positive change and building a world where everyone can thrive.

Thank you to the entire Winrock team and to our diverse partners around the world, who not only believe in the power of positive change, but who have the vision, courage and ability to make it happen.


Maqsoda Maqsodi
President and CEO 

Joyjit Deb Roy
Chief Global Programs & Development Officer; former Acting President and CEO (2023)

1 million

people directly supported by Winrock projects

37.3 million MTs

of GHGs (in CO2e) reduced/sequestered/avoided

3,680 survivors

of trafficking, child labor, exploitation or GBV identified/referred to services

1 million ha

under improved technologies or practices

2023 Top Stories

Areas of Focus

Agriculture, Resilience and Water

Clean Energy and Environment

Climate Change

Human Rights, Education and Empowerment

U.S. Programs

41,211 women/girls

received financial services, protection services, workforce development and other support


local partner organizations supported

$21 million

leveraged by individuals and local partners supported by projects

$1.04 billion

value of sales by individuals and local partners supported by the project


2023 Winrock International Staff Photo Contest

At Winrock, we believe in the power of a well-told story. Throughout human history, storytelling has been our best tool for relating, remembering, teaching, influencing and connecting. As the old saying goes, a picture is worth 1,000 words. This was the origin of the 2023 Winrock photo contest. Entries could focus on any aspect of our work. We were looking for striking, thought-provoking images that convey our mission and illustrate the impact of our programs. The contest was open to all Winrock staff, and we encouraged colleagues worldwide to submit their images.

Best Overall Winner: Photo by Arpona Ghosh for Winrock International

Visual Theme: Human Rights 

Empowering Resilience in Education: USAID’s Esho Shikhi project brings together Bengali teachers and local education officials for a vital mission. They are developing robust school contingency plans alongside School Management Committees, parents, and communities. This initiative ensures uninterrupted learning during natural disasters and emergencies, fostering an adaptable educational framework for the future. Photo by Arpona Ghosh For Winrock International (winner of the 2023 Winrock staff photo contest)