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Winrock International

Bloomberg Features American Carbon Registry and Partners’ Work to Reduce Emissions from Rice Production

Winrock's ACR-supported Nature's Stewards, a Mid-South rice alliance, is changing the way rice is produced.

A new Bloomberg article features American Carbon Registry‘s work to reduce emissions from rice production. According to the article, Nature’s Stewards, a Winrock ACR partner under a USDA Conservation Innovation Grant, is changing the way rice is produced.

“Nature’s Stewards is trying to provide evidence that Alternate Wetting Drying can make economic sense for rice farmers…” Read the full article 

In 2016, Winrock’s American Carbon Registry Commitment to Quality award went to Mid-South rice farms Whitaker Farms, Isbell Farms and Sullivan Farms, which have collectively formed the sustainable rice alliance Nature’s Stewards, in addition to Wolf Creek Farms and Murrell Farms. The farms were all honored for their work to improve rice production systems and to earn the first carbon offsets from low emission rice production.

Since 2012, these farms have been dedicated to testing methods and measuring results for reducing GHG emissions and water usage under the ACR offset methodology for Emissions Reductions in Rice Management Systems. The methodology specifies requirements to measure reductions in methane, a GHG 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide.


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Winrock has long recognized the threat posed by climate change. ACR, founded in 1996 and operated by Winrock, is dedicated to the belief that markets are the most effective tools to tackle climate change. As such, ACR has developed transparent and science-based methodologies to incentivize carbon reductions in agriculture, transportation and other industries. ACR is also a partner in assuring that California’s landmark Cap-and-Trade Program can manage, verify and credit carbon offsets effectively.