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Winrock International


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High-Quality Coffee from Laos: Coming Soon to a Specialty Café Near You?

April 25, 2022

The four coffee varietals from Laos were little known in the United States. Todd Arnette, one of the most experienced specialty coffee experts in the world, was excited to introduce them. How good were they? Arnette would soon query the group for their impressions. But first, he shared an anecdote from last year’s “Taste of […]

“The Journey to Net Zero” and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Agricultural Supply Chains

April 20, 2022

The inaugural Concordia Lexington Summit, held April 7-8 at the University of Kentucky, convened thought leaders to address the future of technology, trade, environmental sustainability and other issues of urgent concern to the U.S. Winrock’s Senior Director of Private Sector Engagement Steve Brunn participated in a panel at the summit focused on carbon reduction and […]

Winrock ECO Pilot: EPcs used consistently by low income households in peri-urban nepal

April 11, 2022

While transitions to electric cooking (eCooking) in more affluent and urban Nepali communities have been documented, a recent MECS Electric Cooking Outreach (ECO) challenge fund pilot study in Nepal has demonstrated clear uptake of eCooking by low-income peri-urban households – even those which collect firewood for free. Fifty households in Katahariya Municipality (Rautahat District) participated in […]

USAID and Oasis Partner to Provide Direct Assistance to Survivors of Trafficking in Person

April 6, 2022

The Oasis Foundation has launched a new project to help survivors of human trafficking. Under the “Care for One – Care for All” project survivors will receive humanitarian, legal, psychological, and medical assistance. Oasis will also support survivors to obtain education, shelter, employment and other opportunities. The project is supported by USAID’s Safe Migration in […]

Winrock’s ECO Game Climate Change Adaptation and Learning Tool Comes to the Caribbean

April 5, 2022

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) named Winrock International a partner in the new Climate-Smart Caribbean Project, an innovative collaboration between two Caribbean universities, the USDA Caribbean Climate Hub and the Climate Science Alliance. Partners will share information on climate change science, observed trends, expected future scenarios, and climate adaptation and mitigation solutions both across […]

Winrock CEO Addresses Carbon Pricing and Net Zero at FT Climate Capital Live 2022

March 30, 2022

Limiting global warming to the 1.5 degrees threshold target established by the Paris Agreement seems harder to reach with each passing day. “Unless governments, businesses and investors instigate rapid, sustained and large-scale reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, the goal … will very soon be beyond reach,” the Financial Times wrote in the introduction to its […]

Land, Water, Life: Supporting Communities to Improve Water Security and Resource Management as the Climate Changes

March 14, 2022

The people of Burkina Faso and Niger, two landlocked countries in West Africa, live in one of the hottest regions in the world: the Sahel. These days, it’s getting hotter – and drier – making survival increasingly challenging. In the arid band just below the Sahara Desert, Burkinabe and Nigeriens are coping with crises both […]

Female agribusiness owner sprouts success for other women in Nepal

March 4, 2022

In 2004, Mira DC opened her first agricultural tools store, Janata Agrovet, where she sells vegetables, maize, and rice seeds as well as rice, insecticides, fertilizers and other farming equipment.  At first, sales were slow, in part because she had few relationships with farmers, wholesalers, traders, other organizations and the local municipality – and many […]

Connected, Creative, Central: The Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub Serves All

January 26, 2022

In late 2021, as the COVID-19 pandemic dragged on, conspiring to keep us from friends, family, and new opportunities, 26-year-old Melanie Leill bucked the trend. After learning about ceramics classes offered by the Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub in North Little Rock, she signed up and set herself on a personal mission: to design and craft […]

USAID Uses a Collective Impact Approach to Help Vietnam Tackle Air Pollution

January 19, 2022

Every winter, northern Vietnam struggles with air pollution, with ten provinces experiencing unhealthy levels of air pollution. To help Vietnam develop effective solutions to improve air quality, on January 7th, USAID’s new Reducing Pollution project and the Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA) held a Scoping Workshop on “Collective Impact for Air Pollution Reduction” for the Northern Region of […]
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