Digital learning on water security and resilience in the Sahel
The USAID TerresEauVie Activity, implemented by Winrock International in Niger and Burkina Faso, is finding success by partnering with local leaders in both countries to use digital tools for improved planning and sustainability of water resources and water supply to expand equitable access at the community level. The activity was recently featured in the July 2024 edition of The Harmattan Herald, the quarterly e-newsletter of the USAID/Sahel Regional Office.
The article, “Digital learning on water security and resilience in the Sahel,” reports on a pair of important TEV activities that convened experts from resilience-related fields in Africa, the U.K., U.S. and other countries to learn more about water security and resilience. The article states:
“During two May 2024 online events, hosted by the USAID TerresEauVie and the USAID PRO-WASH & Scale activities, approximately 150 experts from resilience-related fields from Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad, Mali, Senegal, Ghana, Kenya, the U.S., the UK, and elsewhere convened to learn more about experiences on water security and resilience.
The first event focused on better using existing groundwater studies in Burkina Faso to increase access to localized information for improved planning and sustainability of water resources and water supply. The discussions highlighted best practices from USAID TerresEauVie, UNICEF’s WASH Cluster in Burkina, two water-related projects (one implemented by a Canadian firm, Cowater, the Water Supply and Sanitation Program – PAEA), and the National Network of Water and Sanitation Actors (ACTEA).
The second event highlighted how various USAID-funded activities, including USAID TerresEauVie, USAID Wadata, USAID Girma, and the World Food Programme, jointly developed sustainable solutions for multiple-use services of surface water in Niger. This type of facilitated information-, experience-, and resource-sharing will improve integrated water resources management in the Sahel and other countries grappling with water management issues at the community level.”
To learn more about Winrock’s work with partners in the Sahel, check out: Three approaches to support locally led land management solutions to strengthen climate resilient food systems in the Sahel.