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Winrock International


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The Long Voyage Home

July 22, 2016

They left to work — to make a decent income and forge a better life for themselves and their families. But the 54 Cambodian men who were lured away from their homes and country for what they thought was legal fishing in Malaysia quickly discovered the truth. They had been trafficked to Thai fishing boats. […]

The House That Bats Built

July 17, 2016

At first, just a few dark shapes streak through the sky, but as the sun sets over Cambodia’s Svay Rieng province, the pace quickly picks up. Soon, thousands of bats are swarming from their roosts as they begin their nightly hunt for insects. “I have 50,000 to 60,000 bats living here,” says The Koeung, pointing […]

Once A Refugee, Now An Advocate

June 20, 2016

How a Former Refugee is Working to Give Others a Voice When Mojeeb Stanikzai looks at the displaced children of South Sudan, he sees himself.  He was just six years old when his father was killed in a bomb blast during the Soviet-Afghan war. Out of money and options, his family fled their native Afghanistan […]

Ending Child Labor from the Inside Out

June 10, 2016

By Rodney Ferguson, President and CEO, Winrock International Mercy Dahn was 9 years old when she began working on her father’s rubber farm in Liberia. At first she dug holes and planted young trees, but as she grew older the tasks grew more difficult and dangerous. She worked with acid that irritated her skin, and […]

Twitter Chat Wrap-Up: Child Labor in Supply Chains

June 10, 2016

Leading into World Day Against Child Labor on June 12, Winrock convened and moderated a Twitter chat to discuss the ramifications of child labor in supply chains and what we can all do to help tackle this important issue. [View the story “Twitter Chat: Child Labor in Supply Chains, June 9” on Storify]

World Day Against Child Labor 2016

June 6, 2016

This year’s World Day Against Child Labor highlights the problem of child labor in supply chains. To commemorate the day and raise awareness about this issue Winrock International (@WinrockIntl) will host a one-hour Twitter chat on Thursday, June 9th between 10:00-11:00 AM EDT. During the chat panelists will discuss how advocates, businesses, and consumers can ensure […]

USAID and Winrock International Launch Innovation Challenge to Bring New Technologies to Smallholder Farmers

May 24, 2016

Event Agenda Speakers Media BANGKOK, May 25, 2016 — Today the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Winrock International launched an innovation challenge to develop technological solutions and regional partnerships for smallholder farmers in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Myanmar and Nepal. The challenge will be open to companies and organizations from South and Southeast Asia […]

New Desks Make the Grade

May 16, 2016

Story and Photography: Tom Willcox Eleven-year-old Anna Adyero, a student at Magwi Central Primary School in South Sudan, likes coming to school. But until recently, she struggled to learn. Not because she lacked a teacher, though teachers are scarce in the world’s newest country. But because she lacked what many assume is standard operating equipment — […]

A Forest of Possibilities

March 6, 2016

By Chris Warren Leyland Harcourt doesn’t need to read ominous scientific reports to understand why climate change is such a threat to the South American nation of Guyana. On a languid January morning that’s sufficiently hot and sunny for him to go shirtless and barefoot, Harcourt sits comfortably on the stairway of a home he’s […]

To Thi Loi

March 1, 2016

This portrait is part of the Vietnam Clean Energy Program’s series on women champions in the Vietnamese construction sector, featuring women who have made strides in this male-dominated field, coming from diverse backgrounds and with different interests, but bound together by the common themes of a strong work ethic, love of country, a strong belief […]
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