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Winrock International


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Three approaches to support locally-led land management solutions to strengthen climate resilient food systems in the Sahel

July 3, 2023

Sustainable land management practices benefit from land tenure clarity, as landowners are more likely to engage in climate resilient, regenerative agricultural practices once their tenure rights are guaranteed, either permanently or with a documented long-term lease. That is particularly important in the Nigerien context, whose exposure to successive droughts and floods event has become a […]

Committing to a child labor-free world

June 14, 2023

I want to share an update on some of the U.S. Department of Labor-funded MATE MASIE project’s inspiring successes as we work with communities, government and other important stakeholders in Ghana to better understand the complex drivers of child labor in the cocoa industry, and to develop solutions to prevent it. It is important for […]

A Holistic Approach to Girls’ Education Leads to Better Learning Outcomes

June 13, 2023

This post originally appeared on USAID’s site on May 15, 2023. “With the GLEE project, my motivation for schooling increased because the mentor sensitized us about early marriage, the use of sanitation pads, and the importance of schooling for girls.” – Hawa WARME, 13 year old girl, 5th grade Adolescence is a time of […]

Partnering with local champions and governments to strengthen systems to reduce child labor

June 9, 2023

Today, nearly 160 million children worldwide are engaged in child labor. An estimated 79 million of those children perform hazardous work, using dangerous tools like knives or machetes to maintain cocoa and coffee crops or process dried fish, to provide a few examples from the agriculture and fishing industries. Many of these children work up […]

Winrock International’s Board of Directors and Senior Leadership Visit Projects in Senegal

June 9, 2023

Nine members of Winrock International’s Board of Directors, including Board Chairman Jude Kearney, joined Winrock CEO and Board President Rodney Ferguson and senior Winrock staff on an activity-packed trip to Senegal to learn about Winrock’s impacts in the fast-growing West African country. In addition to Kearney and Ferguson, traveling Winrock board members included Peter O’Neill, […]
Winrock News

Final United States and Jamaica annual bilateral dialogue under the Child Protection Compact Partnership

June 1, 2023

The United States and Jamaican government officials, along with implementing partners the International Organization for Migration and Warnath Group, convened for the final bilateral dialogue under the United States-Jamaica Child Protection Compact (CPC) Partnership, a jointly developed plan signed by both governments in May 2018.  The dialogue focused on shared accomplishments, challenges, and how to […]

Connections change lives: How Winrock International, International Medical Corps and Concordia are rebuilding the Heartland after April’s devastating storms

May 4, 2023

The sounds are what stick in Linsley’s mind the most. At first, it was the howling wind and the crash and shatter of buildings falling apart, trees falling, and rain and rock pelting the house. Then the sirens, as first responders came on the scene. Then the rescue helicopters. Then the machinery and generators of […]

Coalition for Racial & Ethnic Equity in Development (CREED) expands its Board

April 6, 2023

The Coalition for Racial & Ethnic Equity in Development is excited to announce the appointment of 13 new member signatory organizations to the CREED Board of Directors. Each member signatory organization is represented by an Executive and Supporting Member. The additions to the Board include: These new Directors — who officially began their Board service […]

I was once a victim of human trafficking. Now I help bring other victims home safely from Cambodia to Bangladesh.

March 1, 2023

I am a survivor of human trafficking and modern slavery. From April-September 2022, I was forced to work in a scamming compound in Sihanoukville, Cambodia and was sold 4 times for as much as $10,000 to different companies that operated within the compound. It was a hell-like experience as the compounds used violence to control […]

“Be my (socially responsible) Valentine?” How Winrock is reducing child labor in Ghana’s cocoa industry

February 14, 2023

Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be as sweet without chocolate. And though cocoa is native to South America, nowadays, the world’s two largest chocolate producers are in West Africa. In fact, my home country, Ghana, is the world’s second-biggest cocoa producer, just after our next-door neighbors, Ivory Coast.   So when a colleague invited me to write about […]
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