EFAT has three broad objectives: EFAT has primary activities in Senegal and Ghana, responds to the needs of USAID missions worldwide and supports a global community of practice on extension and advisory services.
Winrock’s Growing Value for Producers Through Increased Access to Markets for Climate Smart Commodities project will create and implement a farmer-friendly system that: This project will incentivize producers to adopt Natural Resources Conservation Service or equivalent practices on 50,000 new acres not currently receiving NRCS payments (for the same practice, on the same plot), increasing […]
The USDA-funded Market Transitions to Enable New Growth Opportunities (MTENGO) project uses a farmer-first approach grounded in market incentives to increase resource-efficient, reliable agricultural production in Malawi in the face of climate unpredictability. MTENGO, which means both “value” and “foundation” in Chichewa, a language spoken in Malawi, enables farmers to adopt climate smart agriculture and […]
The USDA-funded Thailand RAIN project identifies, validates, scales and shares climate-smart agriculture technologies and practices that have been validated through a rigorous, evidence-based, participatory process.
Winrock’s Advancing Organic Agriculture in the Mid-South project takes a research- and evidence-based approach to generate and share practical information to farmers who are interested in transitioning to, and/or becoming certified organic producers. Focusing on the three mid-Southern states of Arkansas, Missouri, and Tennessee ─ where organic production lags behind much of the rest of…
The U.S.-brokered 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement between Sudan and Southern Sudan provided for a referendum on secession in 2011, ushering in an era of promise that began officially on July 9, 2011, Independence Day for the new Republic of South Sudan. Before and after independence, Winrock worked with South Sudanese leaders and communities to begin…
Technology offers the potential to achieve major change, and that is certainly true in Nigeria’s agriculture sector. Using a facilitative market systems approach for sustainability, this USAID-funded project takes a “farmer-first” approach to ensure on-farm results and achieve impact at scale. Winrock is partnering with micro, small and medium enterprises and key market actors within…
Between 2004 and 2011, the USAID Water User Associations Support Program (WUASP) assisted 110 Water User Associations (WUAs) in Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan to develop the skills and capabilities to effectively plan, maintain and manage water systems in the unique terrain and hydrology of central Asia.Through intensive training in democratic organization governance, business and…
Cocoa farming is at risk in Ghana due to climate change, aging plantations, new pests and diseases, land degradation and deforestation. Winrock is continuing its work with Tetra Tech ARD and private-sector partners Ecom Agroindustrial Corp. (ECOM) and the Hershey Company to demonstrate how improving land tenure, tree tenure, and financing cocoa rehabilitation can improve […]
The USAID TerresEauVie Activity enhances social and ecological risk management systems in Africa’s Sahel region through three components: improved water security, enhanced sustainable productive land use, and improved management of shocks, risks and stresses. The activity improves the availability of, access to and safe use of adequate, reliable water and land resources for the health,…