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Winrock International


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Safe Migration – Kyrgyz Republic

The USAID Kyrgyz Republic Safe Migration Activity uses evidence-based practices to strengthen the mutual accountability and effectiveness of government, civil society, and the private sector to prevent trafficking-in-persons, protect survivors and promote safe migration as part of USAID’s Asia-wide suite of counter-trafficking interventions.  The Safe Migration Activity is a five-year project implemented by Winrock International […]

USAID Hamro Samman II

Trafficking-in-persons is a complex problem that requires multi-disciplinary solutions with many stakeholders. Nepal is a source, transit and destination country for labor, sex, and organ trafficking. Some studies estimate that a quarter of a million Nepalis are in forced labor or other forms of trafficking at any given time, with millions more vulnerable due to […]

Vietnam Counter Trafficking in Persons

Trafficking in persons is a major challenge in Vietnam: Men, women and children are trafficked both within the country and internationally for purposes of sexual exploitation, forced labor, fraudulent and forced marriages, debt bondage, and involuntary servitude. Vietnamese trafficking victims can also be swept up in drug trafficking rings or fall prey to forced scamming. […]

Ashshash Phase II: For Men and Women Who Have Escaped Trafficking

The second phase of Winrock International’s Ashshash project is being implemented in Bangladesh, in collaboration with local partners and governmental agencies. Ashshash is funded by the Embassy of Switzerland in Bangladesh. The project works to ensure the protection of human trafficking survivors through various social and economic support services. And, prevent trafficking across at-risk and […]

Jamaica Supporting Victims of Violence

In partnership with the Government of Jamaica, USAID has invested significantly in Jamaica’s violence prevention and protection efforts. Through the USAID Supporting Victims of Violence Activity, Winrock International and partners will leverage these investments to intensify multi-stakeholder coordination to provide wrap-around and trauma-informed services to survivors and expand the availability of information on survivors, witnesses […]
Kazakhstan Actions Against Trafficking in Children (KATCH)

Kazakhstan Actions Against Trafficking in Children (KATCH)

As a transit and destination location for migrants from the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan ─ Central Asia’s largest country ─ faces increased domestic and international migration, exacerbated by economic turmoil from the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. For example, thousands of undocumented Uzbekistani migrants transit into Kazakhstan each day via informal […]

B-PEMS AugroJatra 

Bangladesh’s location, low-lying topography, high population density, and weak infrastructure make it highly susceptible to climate change-driven natural disasters. Vulnerable populations who lose their property or income in these events are at risk of becoming victims of trafficking in persons (TIP), as traffickers often prey on those who are desperate and without many options for […]
SafeStep Project

SafeStep Project

The SafeStep mobile phone application was originally designed and launched in 2020 by a consortium including ELEVATE, Diginex and Winrock International with funding from UK aid and the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery (GFEMS) to support Bangladeshi migrants traveling to Gulf Coast countries. It has been expanded with additional funding from GFEMS and new…

USAID’s Esho Shikhi Activity

USAID’s Esho Shikhi Activity will increase learning opportunities, enhance teaching quality and teaching learning materials to improve quality education in selected subjects, strengthen the capacity of field-level mentors to deliver quality education, and improve school communities’ ability to mitigate and manage the effects of shocks and stressors on education access and quality. Esho Shikhi will…

USAID’s Fight Slavery and Trafficking-in-Persons (FSTIP) Activity

Human trafficking is a major problem in Bangladesh, which is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women and children trafficked into forced labor, commercial sexual exploitation, child marriage and other abusive situations. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated vulnerabilities to trafficking, exploitation, and child marriage, as widespread loss of livelihood opportunities and employment, restrictions on […]
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