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Winrock International


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USAID Accelerating Resilience and Transformation Activity

The USAID Accelerating Resilience and Transformation Activity will catalyze local and global expertise, while leveraging on-the-ground networks to generate systemic and transformative change for Bangladesh’s transition to net-zero, climate-resilient development.

Feed the Future Nepal USAID Agricultural Inputs

The Feed the Future Nepal USAID Agricultural Inputs activity uses a market systems approach to analyze agricultural input supply chain constraints and facilitate private and public sector partners to develop and scale innovative technical and policy solutions that increase the availability, accessibility and use of improved inputs, technologies and services. The project aims to reach […]

Rural Placemaking Initiative Challenge (RPIC): Delta Communities Connected through Placemaking

The Delta Communities Connected through Placemaking and Innovation (DCCPI) project seeks to facilitate locally driven efforts to improve quality of life, rural economy, and e-connectivity in the Mid-Delta region of Arkansas. DCCPI leverages the strong cultural identity and current placemaking efforts of Lonoke, England, Stuttgart, and Helena-West Helena with innovative state initiatives focused on enhancing […]

USAID Reducing Pollution

The USAID Reducing Pollution activity is a five-year project that supports locally-driven initiatives that substantially reduce environmental pollution in Vietnam through a collective impact approach. The project will build the capacity of government, local nongovernmental organizations and private sector partners to prevent, mitigate and reduce environmental pollution, and increase the capacity of stakeholders to generate, […]

USAID TerresEauVie Activity

The USAID TerresEauVie Activity enhances social and ecological risk management systems in Africa’s Sahel region through three components: improved water security, enhanced sustainable productive land use, and improved management of shocks, risks and stresses. The activity improves the availability of, access to and safe use of adequate, reliable water and land resources for the health, […]

Feed the Future KISAN II

Nepal’s economy is dominated by agriculture, yet the country is one of the most food insecure nations in the world. Building on the progress made from 2013 to 2017 with the Knowledge-based Integrated Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrition (KISAN) I project, the KISAN II project works with the country’s private sector to improve on-farm production and…

Strategic Training for Rural Innovative and Vibrant Economies (STRIVE)

How do rural municipal leaders learn to grow their local economies and improve their town’s quality of life? It all begins with the proper tools. Funded by USDA Rural Development, the Strategic Training for Rural Innovative and Vibrant Economies (STRIVE) project provides those vital tools. From prioritizing local problems and identifying local successes to assessing…

Agribusiness Competitiveness Activity in Tajikistan (ACAT)

Funded by USAID, the Agribusiness Competitiveness Activity in Tajikistan (ACAT) will increase the competitiveness, inclusiveness and resilience of the country’s market systems. The five-year activity will implement a market-driven, private sector-led approach to stimulate economic growth, increase employment and improve livelihoods by enhancing the competitiveness of Tajikistan’s agribusinesses in the dairy and horticulture value chains.…

Climate Resilient Ecosystems and Livelihoods (CREL)

Climate change and a growing population are putting increasing levels of stress on Bangladesh’s forests, wetlands and other ecosystems. The USAID-funded Climate Resilient Ecosystems and Livelihoods program is helping to disseminate management methods that help communities better collaborate with local and national governments to balance biodiversity protection with sustainable economic development.

Feed the Future KISAN

Nepal’s economy is dominated by agriculture, yet the country is one of the most food insecure nations in the world. By working with the country’s private sector to improve on-farm production and facilitate market development, this program helps subsistence farmers become commercial agriculture producers and earn more income.
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