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Winrock International


Enabling Farmers for Agricultural Transformation (EFAT)

The five-year Enabling Farmers for Agricultural Transformation (EFAT) project, an associate award under the West Africa Farmer-to-Farmer program, builds evidence on approaches to strengthening pluralistic agricultural extension and advisory (EAS) services. The goal is tailored delivery and scaling of agricultural innovations to support smallholder farmers to boost productivity, diversify livelihoods and strengthen resilience in the face of adverse weather conditions.

Funder: USAID

Project Timeline: October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2027

Countries: Senegal and Ghana

Program Area: Agriculture

Contact: Soniia David,

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EFAT has three broad objectives:

EFAT has primary activities in Senegal and Ghana, responds to the needs of USAID missions worldwide and supports a global community of practice on extension and advisory services.