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Winrock International
Nana Kofi Acquah

Legacy Project

Ghana Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Project (AgNRM)

Funder: USAID

Project Timeline: May 2, 2016 - December 31, 2018

Country: Ghana

Program Areas: Forestry and Natural Resource Management, Water, Ecosystem Services, Agriculture, Biodiversity and Climate Resilience & Adaptation

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Northern Ghana has a new ally in its struggle against climate change. The USAID Feed the Future Ghana Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Project (AgNRM) is protecting both food security and the region’s natural resources. It’s doing this in a holistic way: boosting incomes from natural products such as shea nuts; improving food security through household gardens, cook stoves and improved water management; securing land tenure, especially for women; and strengthening environmental stewardship.

USAID Agriculture and Food Security

Project Goals


people with improved economic benefits derived from sustainable NRM and conservation


community land use plans proposed adopted or implemented


people with improved access to water