
Strategic Training for Rural Innovative and Vibrant Economies (STRIVE)
How do rural municipal leaders learn to grow their local economies and improve their town’s quality of life? It all begins with the proper tools. Funded by USDA Rural Development, the Strategic Training for Rural Innovative and Vibrant Economies (STRIVE) project provides those vital tools. From prioritizing local problems and identifying local successes to assessing…
USDA RUS Technical Assistance Training
Devastating water main breaks. Century-old pipes. Deteriorating water and waste water infrastructure is a constant threat to U.S communities, but all too often, local leaders don’t know how or what to overhaul, let alone how to prioritize what needs fixing first. Through the Rural Utility Technical Assistance and Training project, Winrock’s technical assistance helps rural…
Facilitation and Community Engagement in Clark County
In collaboration with Henderson State University and local leaders, Winrock is identifying some of the most pressing needs of Clark County, Arkansas. There’s a lot to love in the area, from its gorgeous parks and scenic beauty to its duo of esteemed universities, Winrock, with local leader support, is committed to creating a place where…
Fourche River Valley Project
Over the years, farmers in western Arkansas have shifted from growing cotton and corn to raising dairy cows and broiler chickens. Today, Winrock and project partners are working together on the Fourche Valley Food Grain Industry Study, looking at ways to develop a high-value, non-GMO or organic food grade grain industry in the area’s Fourche…
Creating Regional Economies and Technical Expertise
America’s wealth gap is prevalent across rural and urban communities. Much of Arkansas is rural and prospers, but poverty and unemployment continue to plague many areas of the state. Citizens and community leaders lack access to technical know-how that would move these areas forward. Through the Creating Regional Economies and Technical Expertise project, Winrock provides…
Costa Rica ERPD
As part of Costa Rica’s efforts to become carbon neutral by 2021, it is developing a National Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) Program to lower emissions and access climate finance. Winrock scientists are supporting Costa Rica’s efforts by helping it to develop emissions accounting approaches that comply with the strict requirements of international […]
Knowledge Exchange for Solar Water Pumping
This project works with Nepal Agricultural Cooperative Central Federation, Ltd. to develop the capacity and enhance the knowledge of five rural municipalities, eight Small Farmers Agriculture Cooperatives, Ltd. and farmers on solar irrigation through knowledge exchange and live demonstrations. By developing a network of cooperatives, rural municipalities and SWP suppliers, the project aims to accelerate […]
Sustainable CIS
Access to timely, accurate information on climate and weather is critical for building resilience against the impacts of climate change, especially in highly vulnerable regions like Sub-Saharan Africa. As part of the USAID Learning Agenda for Climate Services in Sub-Saharan Africa Program, Winrock is working to evaluate gaps in National Meteorological and Hydrological Services, identify […]
Tocantins REDD+
The state of Tocantins in Brazil is dominated by wooded savannahs called the cerrado. These once-vast ecosystems are threatened by expanding cattle ranching and agriculture, and rates of deforestation in the cerrado now exceed those in the Amazon. Winrock providing technical support to the Government of Tocantins in developing a sub-national REDD+ program to provide […]