
Agribusiness Competitiveness Activity in Tajikistan (ACAT)
Funded by USAID, the Agribusiness Competitiveness Activity in Tajikistan (ACAT) will increase the competitiveness, inclusiveness and resilience of the country’s market systems. The five-year activity will implement a market-driven, private sector-led approach to stimulate economic growth, increase employment and improve livelihoods by enhancing the competitiveness of Tajikistan’s agribusinesses in the dairy and horticulture value chains.…
Promoting Sustainable Practices to Eradicate Child Labour in Tobacco (PROSPER) Umoja
In Tanzania, children in tobacco-producing areas are far too commonly engaged in child labor. PROSPER Umoja (Swahili for “unity”) is a two-year program designed to reduce child labor in agriculture by implementing and supporting prevention, withdrawal and protection activities in tobacco-growing areas. The program also aims to improve access to quality education and economic improvement,…
Child Labor Improvements in Bangladesh (CLIMB) Project
Economic realities mean that child labor is widely accepted and very common in Bangladesh. The dried fish sector in Cox’s Bazar and surrounding coastal areas is plagued by some of the worst forms of child labor. Children work for up to 13 hours in the sun, using knives, wearing no protective gear, and climbing on…
Biofuels Development Jamaica
In the late 2000s, Jamaica faced serious challenges in its energy and sugar cane sectors. The country depended heavily on imported liquid fossil fuels for its energy needs, and sugar cane revenues were falling dramatically. By developing the sugarcane biofuel market, the Biofuels Development Jamaica project aimed to reinvigorate the sugar cane industry by driving […]
USAID Girls Leadership and Empowerment Through Education (USAID GLEE)
Adolescent girls in Mali confront a host of barriers to educational access. Although enrollment rates have risen over the last 20 to 30 years, a gender gap persists nationally; girls are enrolled at a much lower rate than boys. But there is a mutually reinforcing relationship between adolescents’ health and their educational attainment. When they…
USAID Thailand Counter Trafficking in Persons (USAID Thailand CTIP)
As a source, transit and destination country, Thailand faces multiple manifestations of trafficking in persons. The USAID Thailand Counter Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) program works with communities and champions among government, civil society and the private sector to address the enabling environment for trafficking and exploitation, empower at-risk populations to safeguard their rights, and strengthen…
Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Working Group Activities
Agriculture, forestry and other land uses (AFOLU) contribute approximately 80 percent of greenhouse gas emissions from low-income countries. To achieve their emission reduction commitments and also meet their economic development goals, these countries must implement Low Emissions Development Strategies (LEDS) in the AFOLU sector. Winrock International currently serves as the secretariat for the LEDS Global […]
Private Investment for Enhanced Resilience (PIER)
PIER is an innovative climate finance project that incentivizes private sector investments in support of national development objectives that address climate change, such as National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), within countries of strategic interest to the United States, including Bangladesh, Dominican Republic, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, Indonesia, Jamaica, Mozambique, Peru, Saint Lucia, Tanzania, and Vietnam. PIER demonstrates […]
EMPOWER: Increasing Economic and Social Empowerment for Adolescent Girls and Vulnerable Women in Zambia
In rural Zambia, many children are in the labor force, and 92 percent of them – mostly girls – work on family farms. To reduce child labor in that country, the USDOL-funded EMPOWER Zambia project will raise local awareness about child labor and gender equality, and engage the government and private sector in promoting acceptable…