
Feed the Future KISAN
Nepal’s economy is dominated by agriculture, yet the country is one of the most food insecure nations in the world. By working with the country’s private sector to improve on-farm production and facilitate market development, this program helps subsistence farmers become commercial agriculture producers and earn more income.
Christopher Dowswell Scholarship Fund
As an important aide to Dr. Norman Borlaug, the father of the Green Revolution, Christopher Dowswell played a critical role in helping hundreds of millions of people achieve food security. One key to the Green Revolution’s success was education. Appropriately, this scholarship fund supports the training and education of primarily female agricultural extension workers. Not…
Gasification-Based Electrification for Rural Livelihoods
Nepal’s rural poor urgently need clean and reliable electricity. This pilot project examines the potential of electrification through biomass gasification technology. The results of the effort are expected to help inform government policies to utilize the technology to deliver electricity to rural communities across Nepal.
Ethiopia LAND
The foundation of Ethiopia’s economy, agriculture can play a substantial role in improving livelihoods and increasing the country’s food security. This project supports the Government of Ethiopia’s efforts to establish important regulatory and policy conditions that improve local and national land governance. A particular focus of the project is allowing itinerant pastoralists to secure community…
Macedonia EC-LEDS
Inefficient and outdated technology have made Macedonia one of the most energy-intensive economies in Europe. This program helps the country establish the necessary legal and investment frameworks to encourage implementation of renewable energy technologies and adoption of low emissions development strategies.
Guinea Agriculture Education and Market Improvement Program
A large percentage of Guineans lack food security and spend a sizable portion of their income on rice. To better meet the needs of its citizens and adapt to the impacts of climate change, Guinea’s agriculture sector must implement new technologies and modern land-management methods. This program focuses on building the capacity of local training…
Nepal: Integrated Renewable Energy Technology Promotion
The vast majority of Nepalese living in rural areas lack access to electricity, a key ingredient for improving food security and economic opportunity. This program eliminates financial and technical barriers that stand in the way of rural communities reaping the benefits of renewable energy. Supported by the Dutch development bank and NMB bank, Winrock bridges […]
Capacity for Food Chains
Communities that most need healthy and affordable food options often have the fewest choices. The Wallace Center at Winrock International collaborates with vulnerable communities to establish value chains that make nutritious and local food available to everyone. This happens through training, mentoring, peer-to-peer learning opportunities and by fostering collaboration between organizations committed to delivering the…
Cold Chain Bangladesh Alliance
Crops that spoil or arrive at market in a condition consumers reject are a missed opportunity for Bangladesh to reduce its food insecurity and increase the profits of its small farmers. To address that problem, the Cold Chain Bangladesh Alliance is helping small farmers produce high-value products local consumers want and to establish the cold…