Bangladesh’s location, low-lying topography, high population density, and weak infrastructure make it highly susceptible to climate change-driven natural disasters. Vulnerable populations who lose their property or income in these events are at risk of becoming victims of trafficking in persons (TIP), as traffickers often prey on those who are desperate and without many options for […]
Working in 10 pilot communities in the Amhara and Oromia regions of Ethiopia, the project will facilitate local private developers to replace existing diesel-fueled community water pumps with solar-powered pumps. The goal is to demonstrate a revenue model that encourages private developers to invest in cleaner power systems in this sector, and to lay the […]
The USDA-funded Market Transitions to Enable New Growth Opportunities (MTENGO) project uses a farmer-first approach grounded in market incentives to increase resource-efficient, reliable agricultural production in Malawi in the face of climate unpredictability. MTENGO, which means both “value” and “foundation” in Chichewa, a language spoken in Malawi, enables farmers to adopt climate smart agriculture and […]
The USDA-funded Thailand RAIN project identifies, validates, scales and shares climate-smart agriculture technologies and practices that have been validated through a rigorous, evidence-based, participatory process.
In partnership with WaterAid and FEI Consulting, Winrock will use a phased capacity-building approach to empower and incentivize LGIs and WSPs to collaborate to improve and expand equitable and sustainable pay-for-use water services. This approach is built on a foundation of transparency, accountability, inclusivity, and continuous improvement through use of data and evidence for informed […]
The Microbusiness Empowerment Project will assist approximately 50 low-income Arkansas-based entrepreneurs, especially minority and female-owned businesses, with the mentorship, technical assistance, and business leadership skills they need to prepare for capital acquisition and deployment. Funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration, the project helps disadvantaged entrepreneurs seeking support with financial management, product and target market…
Science Venture Studio at Winrock International is a science-and-technology startup facilitator that helps promising new, Arkansas-based ventures commercialize and obtain federal funding. The SVS project works with early-stage companies to help them obtain critical, non-dilutive federal funding – front-end cash that does not require startup entrepreneurs to forfeit any equity in their new businesses. The…
The USAID Upper Lempa Watershed Project will improve the health and resilience of the Upper Lempa watershed, directly impacting the well-being and water security of 180,000 people in nine municipalities in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, setting the foundation for water resources management essential to millions of people who depend on the Lempa River and […]
The West Africa Biodiversity and Low Emissions Development activity promotes biodiversity conservation and supports climate-resilient, low emissions development in the West African countries of Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. As a partnering organization in this USAID activity, Winrock will support the development and implementation of rural livelihood activities that generate income and support…
The SafeStep mobile phone application was originally designed and launched in 2020 by a consortium including ELEVATE, Diginex and Winrock International with funding from UK aid and the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery (GFEMS) to support Bangladeshi migrants traveling to Gulf Coast countries. It has been expanded with additional funding from GFEMS and new…