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Winrock International


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Grazing Public Lands and Cover Crops

Increasing evidence suggests that adaptive grazing offers short- and long-term benefits to land managers, while also improving the ecosystem. Adoption of the practice, however, still faces significant barriers in the Mississippi River Basin. This project builds on the model for grazing on public lands piloted by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and serves as…

Building a Stronger Vision and Voice for Illinois Regenerative Grazing

The Wallace Center’s Pasture Project is working with diverse partner organizations, networks, and farmer leaders in Illinois—one of the nation’s largest commodity crop producers and a significant source of agriculture pollution—to develop a shared strategy for expanding regenerative grazing throughout the state. The project’s approach is rooted in the active engagement of farmer-to-farmer networks to…

Farmer Driven Water Quality in Mississippi River Basin

Agricultural production using high-disturbance tillage, inefficient fertilizer application, and winter fallowing is a leading cause of the nutrient and sediment inputs driving hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. The Wallace Center’s Farmer-Driven Water Quality project will conduct water quality monitoring and increase the use of conservation grazing best management practices in Wisconsin’s Kickapoo River Watershed…

Strengthening Higher Education Access in Malawi Activity (SHEAMA)

Each year, more than 80,000 secondary school students in Malawi face economic and social impediments that prevent them from accessing higher education to obtain the skills needed for jobs and business ownership. In response, government, universities and international donors are forming partnerships to create innovative approaches that extend higher education opportunities to youth in more…

Sustainable Peatland Business Model

The degradation of carbon-rich peatlands in Indonesia has led to destructive wildfires and surging greenhouse gas emissions in recent years. Winrock is working with multiple groups in Indonesia to identify opportunities for peatland restoration, including the government of the Siak regency, Indonesia’s National Peatland Restoration Agency, the private sector and local stakeholders. These efforts target…

Phillips County Loan Application Assistance

In the wake of the COVID-19 economic downturn, Arkansas small businesses have been forced to dramatically alter their business models or close their doors temporarily. Those with low margins will soon be making the tough decision to close their doors permanently, especially in rural areas. Through funding from the Walton Family Foundation, Winrock International is…

Central Asia Water User Associations Support Program (WUASP)

Between 2004 and 2011, the USAID Water User Associations Support Program (WUASP) assisted 110 Water User Associations (WUAs) in Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan to develop the skills and capabilities to effectively plan, maintain and manage water systems in the unique terrain and hydrology of central Asia.Through intensive training in democratic organization governance, business and…

Efficient Electric Cooking Market Uptake in Nepal

While access to electricity has substantially increased in recent years in Nepal, a majority of Nepali households rely on firewood and other harmful fuels for cooking, according to the World Bank. To address this issue, the Efficient Electric Cooking Market Uptake in Nepal project will research consumer’s preferences for Electric Pressure Cookers (EPCs), as well…

Nepal Renewable Energy Programme (NREP)

Energy is a key driver of Nepal’s economy, and renewable energy can play a significant role in helping the country grow its economy, reduce poverty, diversify its energy mix, meet climate goals, and build societal resilience. The Nepal Renewable Energy Programme was designed to support efforts by the Government of Nepal and the private sector…

Assessing Forest Carbon Offsetting potential in Puerto Rico’s Para la Naturaleza (PLN) Land Trust

Forest restoration is a key tool in mitigating the harmful is a key tool to mitigate the harmful impacts of climate change. In Puerto Rico, Winrock is supporting Para La Naturaleza (PLN), a forest conservation and environmental education land trust that works to protect, restore and sustainably manage Puerto Rico’s forest land. Winrock is helping…
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