
Protecting Peatland Forest Through a Social Forestry Scheme in Siak, Indonesia
The draining of carbon-rich peatlands in Indonesia for agriculture has led in recent decades to increasingly large fires and greenhouse gas emissions. Winrock is working with local communities to develop a set of peatland Social Forestry schemes in Indonesia’s Siak District to overcome the barriers to sustainable peatland forest management and promote the protection of […]
SUNREF Nigeria
The Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Energy Finance (SUNREF) Nigeria project seeks to improve access to affordable finance for renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, a critical step to increase economic opportunities, reduce carbon emissions,create employment, and ultimately promote sustainable development in Nigeria. These outcomes will be achieved by removing the barriers to financing […]
Feed the Future Nigeria Agriculture Extension and Advisory Services Activity
Technology offers the potential to achieve major change, and that is certainly true in Nigeria’s agriculture sector. Using a facilitative market systems approach for sustainability, this USAID-funded project takes a “farmer-first” approach to ensure on-farm results and achieve impact at scale. Winrock is partnering with micro, small and medium enterprises and key market actors within…
USAID/Malawi Modern Cooking for Healthy Forests in Malawi -Tiphike mwa Makono (MCHF)
USAID/Malawi Modern Cooking for Healthy Forests in Malawi -Tiphike mwa Makono (MCHF) is focused on advancing Malawi’s low-emissions, climate-resilient development through forest conservation and sustainable energy options, and through strengthening low-emission planning, analysis and investment capacities. The goal of the project is to assist in ensuring that Malawi’s forest and soil resources are managed more […]
Opportunity Arkansas
Opportunity Arkansas builds the capacity of local officials to develop projects, review potential investment opportunities, and develop a marketplace to promote Opportunity Zones in the State of Arkansas. The project assists local leaders in developing investable projects that bolster small businesses and revitalize communities, while providing an online avenue for citizens, community leaders, venture capitalists…
Grazing Public Lands and Cover Crops
Increasing evidence suggests that adaptive grazing offers short- and long-term benefits to land managers, while also improving the ecosystem. Adoption of the practice, however, still faces significant barriers in the Mississippi River Basin. This project builds on the model for grazing on public lands piloted by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and serves as…
Building a Stronger Vision and Voice for Illinois Regenerative Grazing
The Wallace Center’s Pasture Project is working with diverse partner organizations, networks, and farmer leaders in Illinois—one of the nation’s largest commodity crop producers and a significant source of agriculture pollution—to develop a shared strategy for expanding regenerative grazing throughout the state. The project’s approach is rooted in the active engagement of farmer-to-farmer networks to…
Farmer Driven Water Quality in Mississippi River Basin
Agricultural production using high-disturbance tillage, inefficient fertilizer application, and winter fallowing is a leading cause of the nutrient and sediment inputs driving hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. The Wallace Center’s Farmer-Driven Water Quality project will conduct water quality monitoring and increase the use of conservation grazing best management practices in Wisconsin’s Kickapoo River Watershed…
Strengthening Higher Education Access in Malawi Activity (SHEAMA)
Each year, more than 80,000 secondary school students in Malawi face economic and social impediments that prevent them from accessing higher education to obtain the skills needed for jobs and business ownership. In response, government, universities and international donors are forming partnerships to create innovative approaches that extend higher education opportunities to youth in more…