Legacy Project
Sustainable Peatland Business Model
Funder: Good Energies Foundation
Project Timeline: April 1, 2019 - July 31, 2022
Country: Indonesia
Program Area: Agriculture, Resilience & Water
Contact: Meyru Bhanti, Meyru.Bhanti@winrock.org
The degradation of carbon-rich peatlands in Indonesia has led to destructive wildfires and surging greenhouse gas emissions in recent years. Winrock is working with multiple groups in Indonesia to identify opportunities for peatland restoration, including the government of the Siak regency, Indonesia’s National Peatland Restoration Agency, the private sector and local stakeholders. These efforts target both conservation and production through sustainable wetland cropping systems, known as paludiculture. Paludiculture is a peatland management approach scalable across Indonesia. It can help smallholder farmers transition toward more sustainable land use systems, and significantly mitigate the impacts of fire, land subsidence and greenhouse gas emissions from Indonesia’s degrading peatlands.