This learning paper was developed to document lessons from the current Winrock counter-trafficking in persons (CTIP) programming in Thailand, as related to gender and social inclusions (GESI) and to inform future CTIP initiatives. USAID Thailand CTIP is a $10 million, five-year (2017-2022) project that aims to reduce trafficking in persons (TIP) and better protect victims’ […]
Download Kazakh version The USAID Safe Migration in Central Asia activity in partnership with six Kazakh NGOs launched a series of Smart Navigator trainings in six regions of Kazakhstan in 2021. Smart Navigator, first developed by World Vision for South Asia, is designed to educate youth on how to be aware of and avoid being […]
The USAID Cambodia CTIP project, implemented by Winrock International, supported the Royal Government of Cambodia to conduct and analyze the results of a mid-term evaluation of its Five-Year National Strategic Plan for Combatting Trafficking (2016-2023). This mid-term evaluation helps shed lights into strengths, weaknesses, achievements and gaps in the implementation of Cambodia’s national CTIP policy […]
This learning product highlights the activities, outcomes and lessons learned stemming from a collaboration aimed at reducing exploitative labor practices in Thai fishing supply chains, improving worker wellbeing, and inciting meaningful change through collective action at the industry level. It was co-designed and supported by Mars Petcare and implemented by two Counter Trafficking in Persons […]
The Global Fund to End Modern Slavery (GFEMS) is excited to announce a new partnership with a corporate foundation to create safer migration pathways for migrant workers in Malaysia and Indonesia. The foundation’s $1.2 million commitment will empower more workers with tools and knowledge to migrate safely and will engage businesses to promote ethical recruitment […]
The global COVID-19 pandemic put millions of migrants from Central Asia in precarious situations, both in terms of health and safety, as well as income. Recognizing this, the SMICA activity allocated funds for a COVID-19 response including emergency assistance, skills training, and information campaigns. SMICA leveraged new and existing tools to raise awareness about trafficking […]
Rohingya Muslims are one of the many ethnic minority groups in Myanmar and represent the largest percentage of Muslims in the predominantly Buddhist country. However, they are denied citizenship and have faced persecution and violence for several decades. In August 2017, deadly attacks by Myanmar’s army sent hundreds of thousands of Rohingya from Rakhine State […]
The exploitation of men working as fishing crew in distant water (DW) fisheries is attracting increasing attention from the international community as an urgent contemporary human and labour rights problem. However, the voices of victims are often drawn on in a highly selective and limited manner. We propose an alternative approach and methodology to include […]
Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) systems depend on the reliable availability of good quality water. Surface and groundwater resources around the world, however, are increasingly stressed due to overabstraction, declining water quality, and climate change. Source water protection is an important part of ensuring the sustainability of WASH systems and maintaining healthy and resilient ecosystems, […]