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Winrock International

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Tailor Made for Success

June 10, 2019|post

When John Ayivor of Kansakrom, Ghana, left junior high school, the last year of compulsory education in his country, his future looked bleak. As the eighth of 11 children born to poor cocoa farmers, Ayivor knew he would not be able to go to secondary school. He hoped to become a mason, but he had […]

JDR3 Scholars: The Journey Forward

June 10, 2019|post

1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your research?My name is Dr. Armi Susandi from the Bandung Institute of Technology’s Department of Meteorology. In 2010, I got support from Winrock International to conduct a research study to develop a rainfall model that would provide extension agents and farmers with detailed information on […]

Staging a Brighter Future in Malawi

June 10, 2019|post

An angry father is pushing his two children into hazardous labor. “You should drop out of school, go to a farm and find work,” he says. Although they try to reason with him — “school is important,” they plead — they end up in the fields with a taskmaster of a boss. Luckily, there is […]

In Africa, Harnessing the Bounty of the Sea

June 5, 2019|post

I was eight years old when I saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time. It seemed so vast and limitless it was hard to imagine what was on the other side, let alone understand what an incredible resource it is.  As a native of Minnesota, I grew up around a lot of water — […]

Pesticide Safety for Palm Oil Farmers

June 5, 2019|volunteer

From April 22 to May 8, 2019, I had the pleasure of working on a USAID Farmer-to-Farmer assignment in Nzerekore, Guinea, West Africa.  The implementer for the assignment was Winrock International and this organization took very good care of me.  After departing the capital, Conakry, my driver, translator, and I traveled 1000 kilometers by road […]



Forest conservation and restoration represents a gigaton-scale mitigation opportunity that could transform the fight to slow climate change. To attract large-scale finance for reducing global deforestation, a credible system is needed to reward countries for reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). ART aims to unlock new long-term financial flows for forest countries to […]

Quality on Tap

May 29, 2019|post

Just as water pumps are a ubiquitous symbol of international development, a broken one is the symbol of the sector’s need for oversight and quality assurance. Enter Badri Baral, director of Winrock International’s Renewable Energy Project Support Office in Nepal. He oversees Winrock’s latest project with USAID Nepal, Safaa Pani, providing oversight and quality control […]

Cambodian Committee Charts Road Map to Water Security

May 13, 2019|post

Even before the disaster, decades of population growth and industrialization had degraded the Rhine River so thoroughly that it was known as “the sewer of Europe.” Then one early morning in 1986, a factory caught fire in Switzerland. Tons of toxic chemicals flowed into the river, which runs through six European countries, wiping out nearly […]

Facing the Future Together

April 23, 2019|post

Kannitha, 20, was just a teenager when she and her mother, Sophea, 42, left Cambodia for Malaysia. A broker told them that they could make $330 a month there as domestic workers, so Sophea borrowed money to make the trip. Kannitha’s father, Rathana, stayed home to farm and look after her younger brothers.  (His name […]

Happy Earth Day 2019!

April 22, 2019|volunteer

Today, April 22, we celebrate Earth Day. The 2019 Earth Day campaign centers on the protection of animal species. The Earth Day network notes that “All living things have an intrinsic value, and each plays a unique role in the complex web of life. We must work together to protect endangered and threatened species.” Among […]
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