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Winrock International

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Picturing Dignity

June 5, 2017|post

“In Liberia I felt a certain empathy, and a need to show that dignity is not an exclusive of the rich countries but exists all over the planet,” says award-winning photographer Paolo Patrizi describing the photographs he took of Winrock’s Actions to Reduce Child Labor (ARCH) project in Liberia. Winrock is sponsoring a special one-day, […]

Fashioning the Future

May 30, 2017|post

By Chadani Pandey Twenty years ago, when Ram Bahadur Gurung was visiting China as an aide-de-camp to then Nepalese Crown Prince (later King) Dipendra, he came across a cloth recycling machine. He marveled at this simple technology and thought about what lucrative opportunities it could create if it were introduced in Nepal. Ultimately, Gurung did […]

Dilbagh “Dil” Athwal (1928-2017)

May 17, 2017|post

Dr. Dilbagh “Dil” Athwal, Ph.D., a pioneering plant scientist who headed Winrock’s technical cooperation division when the organization began in 1985 and was a guiding presence in its early years, died on Sunday, May 14, in Tom’s River, New Jersey. He was 88. Athwal joined Winrock as the most senior staff member of the International […]

Solar Water Pump (SWP) Return on Investment Case Study: Machakos County, Kenya


Winrock International’s USAID-funded Kenya Smallholder Solar Irrigation (KSSI) project is working to accelerate commercial sales of SWPs to smallholder farmers. Through collaboration with USAID’s Kenya Agricultural Value Chains Enterprises (KAVES) project, KSSI staff met Mr. Shadrack Nzioka, who has farmed since 2006 in Muuani Village, Machakos County. He was using a diesel pump to transfer […]

Investing in Agriculture Education for a Brighter Senegal

May 10, 2017|volunteer

As we drive into the Horticulture Initiation Center of Ziguinchor, Senegal, I am greeted by a welcome site—students working alongside instructors in a lush, green, and productive garden. Given the number of people employed in agriculture in countries like Senegal, this is a sight far rarer than it should be. As someone who benefited from […]

Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Avian Influenza Prevention and Control: The Case of Village Poultry Farming in Myanmar (2001-2009)


In November 2007 the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Winrock co-funded a one-year applied research project to assess the socio-economic impacts of AI on rural poultry farmers in Myanmar. The winning research team, commissioned through an open grant competition, was led by Dr. (Ms.) Ai Thandar Kyaw, Assistant Veterinary Officer at the Yangon […]

Payments for Environmental Services (PES) to Benefit the Rural Poor Thailand and Vietnam (2006-2009)


The Program’s inaugural research team, commissioned through a September 2005 grant competition, investigated how the rural poor can be compensated for protecting environmental services needed by urban residents, such as clean drinking water from forest watersheds. These “payments for environmental services” (PES) can provide a sustainable livelihood for rural communities while protecting sensitive forest watersheds. […]

Resilient Agriculture


COMPLEX PROBLEM: Climate change is already making it harder for people to feed themselves. From 2003 to 2013, climate-related economic losses stemming from decreased crop and livestock production exceeded $80 billion. The problem is especially severe in sub-Saharan Africa, where 95 percent of the food grown depends on rain. The World Bank anticipates that by […]

Revitalizing Local Economies


COMPLEX PROBLEM: According to the U.S. Census Bureau and the Federal Reserve, wages for American workers have been stagnant or in decline for the past four-plus decades. Globalization and increasing automation have displaced U.S. jobs, diminished local economies and prompted rural residents to seek opportunities in cities. The Great Recession of 2008 and 2009 exacerbated […]

Sustainable Supply Chains


COMPLEX PROBLEM: Consumers and investors increasingly demand that companies look beyond short-term profit when developing their supply chains. Companies must effectively manage the demands of economic growth, environmental protection, fair labor practices and business ethics – and they must do so in the context of continuously evolving markets and relationships. INTEGRATED SOLUTION: Winrock International’s approach […]
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