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Winrock International

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Winrock President and CEO Rodney Ferguson Addresses Concordia Summit

September 25, 2019|post

September 24, 2019 — Speaking from the main stage of the 2019 Concordia Summit in New York City, Winrock President and CEO Rodney Ferguson said that innovations such as the payment for forest environmental services program used in Winrock’s Vietnam Forests and Deltas project can help mitigate climate change and boost economic development around the […]

Pulling for Forests in Vietnam

September 12, 2019|post

The wheels are spinning, but the vehicle is going nowhere. It’s rainy season in Vietnam, and dirt roads have become rivers of mud. It’s not uncommon for a vehicle to become mired in the muck. But in this case, the vehicle holds much-needed funds that won’t be delivered to community-based forest owners unless a team […]

JDR3 Spotlight: Naing Lin Oo

September 10, 2019|post

Can you tell us a bit about yourself — where you come from and how you came to work in your current field?My name is Naing Lin Oo. I worked for the Department of Agricultural Planning under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation after graduating from Yezin Agricultural University in Myanmar in 1999. I […]

FreeArm Makes Leap From Concept To Market

August 22, 2019|post

Innovate Arkansas adviser Grejuana “G” Dennis recalls being captivated the first time she heard Misti and Will Staley pitch their product, the FreeArm. Similar in appearance to a clamp-on bedside lamp, FreeArm is an attachable device that enables hands-free tube feeding. The Staleys developed it after the death of their infant son, Freeman. Inspired by the […]

Roots and Wings

August 9, 2019|post

Above: Winrock raises up entrepreneurs everywhere from Nepal, where rice millers and farmers are coming together to boost incomes, to Arkansas, where a startup accelerator provides market research, prototype development and partnering assistance to new companies. This story originally appeared in the June 2019 issue of RockLinks, a newsletter about Rockefeller Family philanthropy.  When the […]

USDA Launches $1 Million Effort to Prevent Opioid Abuse in Five Counties

August 7, 2019|post

LITTLE ROCK, ARK. – August 7, 2019 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture is investing $998,834 to launch a proactive program to prevent opioid and substance abuse in north central and northeast Arkansas, a region that has high rates of opioid abuse and overdose deaths. The two-year Delta Understanding and Preventing Substance and Opioid Abuse […]

In Africa, Harnessing the Bounty of the Sea

June 5, 2019|post

I was eight years old when I saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time. It seemed so vast and limitless it was hard to imagine what was on the other side, let alone understand what an incredible resource it is.  As a native of Minnesota, I grew up around a lot of water — […]

Data Editing Tool – Simplifying Life for PFES Managers


One of the biggest challenges for payment for forest environmental services (PFES) managers is processing the massive amounts of data generated at the time of PFES payment on forest owners’ names, forest area, forest cover change, and payment rates. Staff must manually review thousands of records, identify any errors, and validate situations where one forest […]

Startups Celebrate Journey from Dream to Reality

April 19, 2019|post

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson told startup founders at the Delta Innovation Fund (Delta I-Fund) startup accelerator’s 2019 Demo Day that entrepreneurship holds the key for a brighter economic future in the state’s rural delta region. “People who love the delta, who are committed to it, want to see its growth, and have got great ideas… […]

What You May Not Know About Vietnam

March 11, 2019|post

As Asia’s newest tiger economy and host of the Trump-Kim Nuclear Summit on February 27-28, Vietnam has been the subject of amplified international attention recently. Yet the roar of press coverage about the country’s impressive post-war transformation has failed to highlight the example Vietnam has set for balancing economic development with climate goals. Since 2012, […]
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