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Winrock International

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Webinar Features Winrock’s Mary Grady on Forest Conservation at Scale with Architecture for REDD+ Transactions (ART)

March 12, 2021|post

The science is clear, said experts at a March 5th Atlantic Council webinar featuring opening remarks by Mary Grady, director of both Winrock’s American Carbon Registry (ACR) and the Secretariat for Architecture for REDD+ Transactions (ART). A rapidly warming world cannot reach the goals of the Paris Climate Accord — such as holding the rise […]

ART Approved to Supply Credits for Global Aviation’s Carbon Market

November 23, 2020|post

ARLINGTON, VA — November 23, 2020 — The Secretariat of the Architecture for REDD+ Transactions (ART) is pleased to announce that national and subnational approaches to reducing forest loss have been approved as a means for international aviation to achieve carbon neutral growth after 2020. This decision marks the first time that these approaches have been […]

From Ancient Lands, A Modern Solution


PROJECT NAME: American Carbon Registry SYNOPSIS: The American Carbon Registry (ACR) is the world’s first private voluntary greenhouse gas registry and the leading approved offset project registry for the California cap-and-trade program. It was recently approved by the International Civil Aviation Organization to supply credits for its global airline carbon market. YEARS ACTIVE: ACR was […]

Powering Toward a Bright Future

September 29, 2020|post

A Winrock Legacy Story As a student in Thailand, Guru Neupane studied renewable energy economics. He came to appreciate the power that can be generated from wind and sun and water. So when he returned to his home country of Nepal, Neupane had an idea. “It seemed to me that Nepal had plenty of free […]

Partnerships for Sustainable Businesses


Rooted in more than 65 years of innovative programming, we have decades of successful business collaborations and a rich history of engaging the private sector. We created an entrepreneurial ecosystem in Arkansas, catalyzed a specialty coffee sector in Myanmar and boosted productivity and incomes in Mozambique. We are proud of our longstanding history of developing […]

Setting the Carbon Standard

July 23, 2020|post

Winrock International is known for sound science and environmental integrity, and has worked for decades to mobilize climate actions that benefit the world’s most vulnerable populations through operation of the American Carbon Registry (ACR) and Architecture for REDD+ Transactions (ART). “Winrock believes that climate change will have a profound impact on the world’s most at-risk […]

ACR Selected for International Aviation’s New Carbon-Offset Plan

March 31, 2020|post

ARLINGTON, VA  — The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has approved the American Carbon Registry (ACR), a nonprofit enterprise of Winrock International, to supply eligible ACR-issued emission reduction units for compliance under the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). ACR is one of only six agencies ICAO approved and is […]
A woman looks down.

Trafficked Bride Rebuilds Her Life with Help from Counter Trafficking in Persons program

November 25, 2014|post

Money was scarce in Kanya’s family (not her real name). Her father had died and her mother was sick, leaving her as the sole provider. When her aunt suggested marriage to a wealthy Chinese man and the opportunity to send money home, she agreed. At age 20, Kanya had never heard about trafficked brides. She […]
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