Volunteer Posts
October Volunteer of the Month
October 30, 2015
Winrock’s October Volunteer of the Month is Dr. Archie Devore, a dairy expert who completed a USAID Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) assignment in Nepal earlier this year. Archie is one of those individuals that doesn’t just work on his assignment and then go back to “business as usual” at home. Case in point: he raised $1200 to […]Celebrating the spirit of F2F
October 21, 2015
This year, the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program celebrates 30 years of implementation around the world. We asked staff to reflect on the spirit of F2F and what makes the program so special. Their responses weave together themes of service, dedication, selflessness, exchange. Winrock is grateful to be a part of this rewarding program! “The spirit […]This last assignment was something special
October 14, 2015
Today’s blog post comes from volunteer Ed Levi, after completing his Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) assignment in Bangladesh: “I’ve done numerous F2F assignments around the world but this is my first contribution to the blog. In fact, this is the first time I’ve ever contributed to any blog. But not only was I asked to blog about […]Rainbows and eager students in Senegal
October 9, 2015
Dr. Onesimus Otieno recently returned from a Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer assignment in Senegal, providing training and syllabus development on weed control for the Horticultural Initiation Center of Saint Louis. He shares thoughts from his assignment below: “I arrived in Dakar, Senegal to an early morning rain. The rainbow never looked better as it marked the start […]September Volunteer of the Month
September 30, 2015
Our September volunteer of the month is fisheries and aquaculture expert Dr. Joe Sullivan. Joe served in the Peace Corps as a Fisheries Extension Agent in Zambia after retiring from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, fulfilling a lifelong dream. Since then, he has volunteered several times with Winrock’s USAID-funded Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) program, completing two volunteer […]National Teach Ag Day
September 24, 2015
How do you feed 7 billion people? Teach Ag! The National Teach Ag Campaign reminds us of the importance of agriculture worldwide. National Teach Ag Day (today, September 24) recognizes the women and men who are engaged in providing agriculture education and training, and who inspire others to consider or expand their careers in the […]first volunteer assignment with Winrock in Nigeria
September 18, 2015
Today’s blog post is from Justine Britten, sharing thoughts from her Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer experience in Nigeria earlier this summer: “It has been nearly 2 months since I returned from my assignment to Nigeria. This was my first volunteer assignment with Winrock, or any other organization for that matter. The assignment was a curriculum assessment of […]the learning went both ways
September 11, 2015
Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Daniel Flaherty shares thoughts from his volunteer assignment in Nepal earlier this year: I had a wonderful volunteer experience in Nepal. This was my first time to Asia, and I was amazed with the amount of human activity at every turn in Kathmandu. Every conceivable form of transportation seems to be used in […]A new era in freshwater prawn hatcheries
September 4, 2015
Today’s blog entry comes from Dr. Bill Daniels from Auburn University, who recently completed a Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer assignment in Bangladesh. “Bangladesh is a lush, green tropical country, at least during the rainy season, and the delta region has water everywhere. It is not surprising that it is the 5th largest producer of aquaculture products, but […]August volunteer of the month
August 31, 2015
Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) volunteer Dr. Anil Shrestha is our August Volunteer of the Month for so many reasons! A professor of weed science at California State University in Fresno, CA, Dr. Shrestha was notably Winrock’s first volunteer in Nepal after this year’s devastating earthquake. Born and raised in Nepal himself, Dr. Shrestha is also an excellent […]