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Winrock International

Volunteer Posts

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Commitment and Will

July 19, 2013

Volunteer Joe Sullivan describes one of his hosts in Mali to be “a real spark plug who worked harder than anyone and had the will and commitment to overcome all obstacles.” Inspired by this host (named Yacouba) and committed to the relationship that formed while he was volunteering in Mali, Joe recently purchased and shipped […]

Dinner at the Gleanery: A community supported restaurant

July 9, 2013

Demetria Arvanitis, VTA Program Director, and Howard Prussack, an organic farmer and F2F volunteer, had the chance to dine with Chef Ismail Samad at the Gleanery, located in Putney, Vt. With menus changing rather frequently (sometimes daily), the Gleanery is a community supported restaurant that connects local farmers, producers, and consumers by offering the best […]

Patriotism and Humility

July 3, 2013

In honor of the 4th of July holiday, we are glad to take a moment to reflect (again) on stories of Americans sharing their blessings and demonstrating the generosity and spirit of the American people. In the last year alone, 113 Winrock volunteers from 45 U.S. states have dedicated their time and energy to helping […]

Reigniting Passion to Volunteer

June 27, 2013

“The volunteer assignment renewed my batteries and reignited my passion to do this kind of volunteer work. I’m ready to come back [again]!” -John Moulton, Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer in Nigeria [This kind of feedback reignites our passion too!]

Volunteers in Action in Ethiopia

June 20, 2013

Here are some photos from Dr. Dale ZoBell’s assignment in Ethiopia, focused on improving animal feed. His training brought together representatives from numerous feed associations, feed companies, and government regulatory institutions from across the country. The participants were very engaged and eager to learn from him!                   […]

Returning to Mali

June 14, 2013

Dan Miller wrote a great blog entry about his last volunteer trip to Mali. We’re so glad he will be returning for a second trip, to work with a different group of farmers, later this month! “Thirty some years ago I spent two years in Mali, West Africa, doing the research for my Master’s. At […]

Volunteering in Burma

June 7, 2013

Winrock is pleased to be sending volunteers to Burma (also known as Myanmar) through our USAID-funded Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) program. Recently, F2F volunteers Mike Frinsko and John Woiwode worked with shrimp hatcheries and fish processing plants to help increase production, improve quality, and increase sales. True to the spirit of F2F, the trainings were hands-on and […]

Volunteers Learn Too

May 31, 2013

“I have learned a lot of new information from each of the local populations I interact with during the [Farmer-to-Farmer] assignments. It is interesting how local people are able to devise simple solutions suitable for local conditions. Such information is helpful to me in teaching and research efforts. The stories I carry with me are […]

First Assignment in Bangladesh

May 17, 2013

Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Susana Rigato shares her thoughts on volunteering in Bangladesh: This is my first Farmer-to-Farmer assignment in Bangladesh, and I have thoroughly enjoyed this experience, both professionally and personally. The Winrock staff and the people at Ejab Group (the host) were very professional, providing excellent logistical support and active participation. They made me feel […]

Vital Learning Opportunities

May 10, 2013

It’s always rewarding to see and hear first-hand how our programs are making a difference around the world. Our team in Nigeria recently interviewed staff from one of our host (beneficiary) organizations. Their comments reiterate the value of the knowledge transfer and people-to-people exchange inherent to the Farmer-to-Farmer program. “There are not many opportunities of […]
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