Winrock Assembles Advisory Committee of Resilience Experts
The U.S. Department of State Private Investment for Enhanced Resilience (PIER) project, implemented by Winrock International and Climate Finance Advisors, has assembled the PIER Advisory Committee (PAC) to advise PIER in three thematic areas: country-level interventions, capacity building and private sector engagement, and thought leadership, communications, knowledge sharing and awareness.
“The unique expertise of these members represents diverse experience in development finance, private sector engagement, adaptation, policy and more,” said Winrock’s Michael Cote, PIER Project Director. “The PAC will provide technical guidance during implementation through the review of publications and through ongoing technical support.”
PIER Advisory Committee Members
- John Firth, CEO and Co-Founder of Acclimatise Group Ltd
- Alan S. Miller, Climate Finance and Policy Specialist
- Marta Modelewska, Principal, Climate Resilience Investments, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- Dr Johanna Nalau, Griffith Climate Change Response Program and Research Theme Leader on Adaptation Science, Griffith University
Winrock’s Meghan Doherty will serve as the lead coordinator of the PAC.
Click here to learn more about PAC members.
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