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Winrock International


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What’s in a Game?

November 13, 2019

This article was originally published in USAID’s Climatelinks. In Ghana, a changing climate is affecting the production of cocoa, one of the country’s major cash crops and its second leading foreign exchange earner. USAID and Winrock International worked together to produce ECO Game: Northern Ghana to provide communities with a better sense of  land use planning […]

Encouraging Climate Optimism in Peru

November 6, 2019

“Between 1962 and 2016, Peru lost over 54 percent of its total glacial area.” “More intense rain events are expected, especially during El Niño years, increasing the risks of floods and landslides.” These were among the sobering facts about climate change that my team and I presented during workshops we delivered on behalf of the U.S. […]

Hidden Forces: The Role of Water in Economic Prosperity

November 4, 2019

“If you woke up one morning and found the taps in your house were dry, the first thing many of us here would do is pick up our phone and call the utility,” said Gordon Mumbo, Team Leader for Sustainable Water for the Mara River Basin, Winrock International. But for people living in the Mara […]

SADC Groundwater Conference: Collaboration is Key to Southern African Sustainability Goals

November 1, 2019

Experts from Southern Africa and beyond gathered recently in Johannesburg, South Africa, for the annual SADC Groudwater Conference, hosted by the Groundwater Management Institute of the Southern African Development Community. The conference focused on assessing progress toward achieving the goals set forth in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The U.N. agenda set ambitious […]

From Ancient Lands, a Modern Solution

October 31, 2019

By Lara Murray The Eel River slices through Northern California, slinking its way up the San Andreas fault. Its rocky shores are flanked by forests ranging from the magnificent redwoods of Humboldt County to the rugged oak woodlands of Mendocino County. These landscapes not only characterize California’s world-famous natural beauty but have also historically fueled […]

Climate Week NYC 2019: Where are we on climate finance?

October 9, 2019

Climate Week NYC  takes place every year alongside the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and could be described to a lay person as a climate event with the scale and enthusiasm equal to the combination of Lollapalooza, SXSW and Woodstock. I would have included Burning Man but for the ominous metaphorical link to global warming. […]

Responding to the Call to Action

September 27, 2019

The Global Commission for Adaptation (GCA)’s “Call to Action” report released on September 19, 2019 is a highly anticipated urgent plea for investment and increased effort for adaptation ahead of the UN Climate week and the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)  Conference of Parties in Chile (COP25) in December. It is a tour […]

Winrock President and CEO Rodney Ferguson Addresses Concordia Summit

September 25, 2019

September 24, 2019 — Speaking from the main stage of the 2019 Concordia Summit in New York City, Winrock President and CEO Rodney Ferguson said that innovations such as the payment for forest environmental services program used in Winrock’s Vietnam Forests and Deltas project can help mitigate climate change and boost economic development around the […]

Pulling for Forests in Vietnam

September 12, 2019

The wheels are spinning, but the vehicle is going nowhere. It’s rainy season in Vietnam, and dirt roads have become rivers of mud. It’s not uncommon for a vehicle to become mired in the muck. But in this case, the vehicle holds much-needed funds that won’t be delivered to community-based forest owners unless a team […]

SWP: Water Security Requires Inclusiveness

August 20, 2019

While all people need water in order to live and work, many do not have a say in decision-making about water. As laid out in six toolkits by the USAID-funded Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP), improving water security in a sustainable way requires the involvement and ownership of all people who influence or are affected by water […]
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