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Winrock International


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How Winrock International supports impact investment in sustainable development and climate action

April 20, 2023

As a mission-driven organization focused on sustainable international and domestic development, Winrock International recognizes the massive amount of work that lies ahead to fill the estimated investment gap between where the world is, today, and the amount of money needed in order to hit the goals set in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. I’ve […]

Assessing carbon storage in Florida’s Everglades

April 11, 2023

When most people envision forests, they imagine sweeping terrestrial landscapes, such as the massive Boreal Taiga of Siberia, the Amazon rainforest, or the majestic redwoods of California. These vital and diverse landscapes around the world are cherished for their beauty and the benefits they provide. Much of our work at Winrock focuses on addressing the […]

How to integrate remote sensing into the forest carbon market, the right way

April 7, 2023

The forest carbon market quantifies and monetizes the climate benefits of preserving and growing healthy forest ecosystems. The industry has seen rapid growth in recent years and is demanding quality and scalability. Standards bodies, such as the American Carbon Registry (ACR), the world’s oldest private greenhouse gas (GHG) registry, are gatekeepers for quality assurance and […]

American Carbon Registry announces new conservation fellowship and presents Carbon Market Awards at annual gala

April 4, 2023

ANAHEIM, Calif., March 22, 2023 – The American Carbon Registry (ACR), a nonprofit enterprise of Winrock International, has announced the co-creation with Green Assets of a new conservation fellowship, in remembrance of the late Hunter Parks, to expand the technical knowledge base for harnessing the power of carbon markets for conservation finance. The announcement was […]

The Climate Q&A…

March 20, 2023

What is ONE-SL, and what excites you most about the project and its progress in supporting emission reductions from reducing deforestation? The Offset National Emissions through Sustainable Landscapes (ONE-SL) project aims to support countries in developing an operational jurisdictional REDD+ program with nested projects that can attract private sector funding. REDD+ stands for Reducing Emissions […]

USAID Administrator Samantha Power visits women-led partner of Winrock International in Vietnam

March 13, 2023

During her recent trip to Vietnam, USAID Administrator Samantha Power kicked off International Women’s Day with a visit to a women-led startup firm partnering with the USAID Reducing Pollution activity implemented by Winrock International.  The five-year USAID Reducing Pollution project supports locally driven initiatives to sustainably reduce environmental pollution in the country through a collective […]

Marketwatch Op-Ed: here’s how to incentivize cleaning up landfills — the culprit driving one-fifth of global warming

January 13, 2023

By Winrock’s Mary Grady, executive director of the American Carbon Registry and Megesh Tiwari, senior technical director of ACR. This op-ed was originally published on Marketwatch. Read the story here. Most of us don’t think much about landfills, and when we do, it’s probably not in the context of global warming. But the fact is: […]

Winrock’s Top 10 stories of 2022

January 9, 2023

Winrock’s 2022 was filled with innovation, initiative and impact across our organization’s portfolios. Here are the top 10 most-clicked stories of 2022:  8. Architecture for REDD+ Transactions (ART) 2021: The year in review  9. Partnering with Vietnam on environmental protection, pollution reduction and climate action 10. Winrock to lead $20M USDA climate-smart agriculture commodities and markets project in […]

Scaling up to combat illegal logging in the South Pacific – and cultivate an environmentally sustainable future

December 5, 2022

Chief John Andrew Kiri of North Malaita is blunt in his assessment of environmental conditions in and around his tropical community’s lands – and indeed, across all of Malaita, the most populous and largest island by size in the Solomon Islands. “In the northern region, the slash and burn gardening method contributes a lot to […]

ART issues world’s first jurisdictional forestry carbon credits to Guyana

December 1, 2022

ARLINGTON, VA, December 1, 2022 – The Architecture for REDD+ Transactions (ART) has issued the world’s first TREES credits to Guyana. This also marks a milestone as the first time a country has been issued carbon credits specifically designed for the voluntary and compliance carbon markets for successfully preventing forest loss and degradation — a […]
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