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Winrock International


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Cambodian Government Greenlights Innovative Water Security Platform

April 16, 2019

Cambodia faces increasing threats to its water security due to climate variability, deforestation, and industrial and agricultural pollution. Other challenges include lack of access to drinking water and sanitation, as well as the operation and maintenance of irrigation for farming. In response, the USAID-funded Sustainable Water Partnership has embarked on a four-year, cross-sectoral effort to […]

Winrock Assembles Advisory Committee of Resilience Experts

April 16, 2019

The U.S. Department of State Private Investment for Enhanced Resilience (PIER) project, implemented by Winrock International and Climate Finance Advisors, has assembled the PIER Advisory Committee (PAC) to advise PIER in three thematic areas: country-level interventions, capacity building and private sector engagement, and thought leadership, communications, knowledge sharing and awareness. “The unique expertise of these […]

Shaping Green Growth in Malawi

April 15, 2019

As my third trip to Malawi in a year came to an end, it was apparent that we have reached a milestone that many might not have thought achievable when we started this project five years ago. On April 4, I attended the launch of Malawi’s new National Greenhouse Gas Inventory System (GHG-IS), where Government […]
Winrock News

Winrock’s Liz Kendall Discusses Water Security in World Water Magazine

April 10, 2019 and Winrock’s Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP) have launched a $4-million micro loan financing program to bring water and sanitation to Cambodian households. Winrock International’s Liz Kendall recently contributed a story to World Water Magazine about current water challenges in Cambodia and how affordable microloans can help to expand water access. SWP began the Cambodia Water Security Improvement […]

Keeping Fish Fresh in Mozambique

April 9, 2019

This year the Clean Energy team is implementing a new project called GreenTech, where we are working with U.S. refrigeration company SunDanzer to commercialize solar chillers for smallholders in five African countries. In Mozambique, where the electrical grid covers only 28 percent of the population, our mandate is to determine whether there is a feasible […]

Using Big Data to Ensure Water Security

April 5, 2019

Since the 1990s, the innovation known as “big data” has been rapidly reshaping society. Broadly speaking, it refers to the use of computers to collect large amounts of information, analyze patterns and trends, and apply those lessons to improve performance. Its effects can be felt in the changing ways we shop, watch television and listen […]

Delta Innovation Fund Alumni to Demonstrate Innovations April 17

April 4, 2019

Little Rock, Ark. – April 4, 2019 – The Delta Innovation Fund (Delta I-Fund) startup accelerator will host its 2019 Demo Day at the Clinton Presidential Center on April 17 at 4 p.m. Eight Delta I-Fund alumni companies will showcase their innovations and successful business models. Governor Asa Hutchinson, Delta Regional Authority Federal Co-Chairman Chris […]

Goat Bridges the Cultural Divide

March 28, 2019

  The mission of Winrock International’s agriculture unit is to develop partnerships, pilot new ideas and advance solutions to strengthen communities through resilient farming and food systems. While our impact is global, sometimes we get to enjoy the benefits ourselves. This February, two important events for Winrock converged in Washington, D.C. Winrock’s international agriculture programs […]

Feeding a Thirsty World

March 26, 2019

“It goes without saying that there’s no food without water,” said Winrock President and CEO Rodney Ferguson opening the Wilson Center event “Feeding a Thirsty World: Harnessing the Connections Between Food and Water Security” in Washington, D.C., on March 25. “Seventy percent of global water use goes to agriculture. … Water insecurity affects food security […]

Measuring Bugs and Avoiding Crocs

March 21, 2019

Everything about the man in green fatigues suggests he’s alert. His posture (erect), his lips (slightly parted), his forefinger (poised over the trigger of an AK-47 assault rifle). The man, a Serengeti National Park ranger, watches closely under the hot Tanzanian sun as ecologist Frank Masese sloshes around in brown river water with a net. […]
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