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Winrock International


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U.S. Government Launches New Agribusiness Project in Tajikistan

November 14, 2018

Dushanbe, Tajikistan, November 14, 2018 – The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) officially launched a new five-year project, the Agribusiness Competitiveness Activity in Tajikistan, in Bokhtar City. Chargé d’Affaires of the U.S. Embassy Kevin Covert and Deputy Governor of Khatlon Rajabov Rajabali welcomed more than 180 participants at the ceremony, including representatives from […]

Getting ‘CLEAR’ About Child Labor

November 13, 2018

For the past four years, the CLEAR II team, represented by Winrock and its partners Verité and Lawyers Without Borders, has been working steadily to fight child labor. CLEAR II, which stands for Country Level Engagement and Assistance to Reduce Child Labor, aims to increase the capacity of host governments to reduce child labor. As […]

Winrock’s SWP & Partner for Water Security & Access in Cambodia

November 8, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. – November 8, 2018 – and the USAID Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP), implemented by Winrock International, will mobilize $4 million in microloans to improve water access, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) for 37,000 people in Cambodia’s Stung Chinit watershed. Families will have access to affordable microloans to construct piped water connections and toilets. Each repaid […]

Loving Lake Village

November 6, 2018

Lake Village, Arkansas. It’s small, it’s rural. It’s one of my favorite places in the world. I first visited it as a Winrock employee 11 years ago. The people there welcomed me with wide open arms and made me a part of their family. I’ve shared many a dinner with Mayor JoAnne Bush and her family […]

Lake Village, Arkansas: Small Town, Big Dreams

November 6, 2018

Lake Village, Arkansas, was recently named one of 12 finalists for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize. It beat out almost 200 other communities in this annual competition that awards $25,000 to the town that best transforms its neighborhoods, schools and businesses so that quality of life and quality of place flourish for […]

Promoting Sustainable Aquaculture in the Philippines

October 25, 2018

I recently returned from the Philippines, where I was asked to assess and advise on water quality conditions in two areas of the Caraga region of Mindanao where Winrock’s Philippines Cold Chain project, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is helping farmers and fisherfolk. These areas have adopted their own distinct technologies for cultivating […]

Translating Data into Action

October 25, 2018

When Clara Bocchino began her undergraduate degree in Milan, studying foreign languages and literature, she thought she would go on to be an interpreter. But one class, a study in human geography, introduced her to community-based natural resource management – and changed her life. “Transboundary conservation really captured my attention – the complexity of the […]

Water @ Wilson: 50 Years of Water, Conflict and Cooperation

October 24, 2018

Water is critical. It grows our food, generates our energy, and ensures our prosperity. To address the challenges that stand in the way of building healthy, prosperous, and peaceful communities, we must first tackle the challenge of water insecurity. As the Wilson Center celebrates its 50th anniversary, the Environmental Change and Security Program marks water’s […]

Fishing for Change

October 23, 2018

“Do your husbands object to your attending class?” “No, no, no,” say the women. “With a show of hands, how many of you are now earning money?” Nearly everyone in class raises her hand. The women of Baika Beel are participating in one of USAID Bangladesh’s Climate Resilient Ecosystem and Livelihoods (CREL) project’s financial entrepreneurship and […]

Winrock Leaders Join the Conversation at Concordia 2018

October 17, 2018

Winrock President and CEO Rodney Ferguson and several other Winrock leaders joined thousands of delegates at the 2018 Concordia Summit September 24 and 25. Concordia brings together decision-makers from the public, private and nonprofit sectors working on some of the most pressing challenges facing the world today. Winrock was thrilled to participate and lead several […]
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