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Winrock International
Palm trees in Indonesia

Legacy Project

Enhancing Capacity to Reduce GHG Emissions from Peatlands and Palm Oil Production within a Jurisdictional Framework

Funder: Packard Foundation

Project Timeline: October 1, 2016 - September 1, 2021

Country: Indonesia

Program Areas: Agriculture, Resilience & Water , Market Systems, Ecosystem Services, Forestry and Natural Resource Management, Clean Energy & Circular Economy and Climate Resilience & Adaptation

Contact: Meyru Bhanti,

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The demand for palm oil has provided vital economic opportunities to many Indonesians. At the same time, the conversion of forests and drainage of peatland to create palm oil plantations is a leading source of Indonesia’s greenhouse gas emissions. Winrock has designed two scalable and replicable pilot projects that demonstrate the feasibility of improving the management of peatland areas currently devoted to palm oil production — an approach that would reduce emissions while increasing long-term sustainability.