
Feed the Future Nepal USAID Agricultural Inputs
The Feed the Future Nepal USAID Agricultural Inputs activity uses a market systems approach to analyze agricultural input supply chain constraints and facilitate private and public sector partners to develop and scale innovative technical and policy solutions that increase the availability, accessibility and use of improved inputs, technologies and services. The project aims to reach […]
USAID Climate Resilient Agriculture in the Mekong Delta (CRM)
The Mekong Delta in the south of Vietnam, a region of 40,000 square kilometers and approximately 18 million people, is among the world’s most vulnerable regions to the impacts of climate change. It is an agricultural powerhouse that produces roughly half of Vietnam’s total rice harvest and nearly three-quarters of its fruit, aquaculture, and fisheries […]
Market Transitions to Enable New Growth Opportunities (MTENGO)
The USDA-funded Market Transitions to Enable New Growth Opportunities (MTENGO) project uses a farmer-first approach grounded in market incentives to increase resource-efficient, reliable agricultural production in Malawi in the face of climate unpredictability. MTENGO, which means both “value” and “foundation” in Chichewa, a language spoken in Malawi, enables farmers to adopt climate smart agriculture and […]
Improved Access to Safe Drinking Water in Liberia
In partnership with WaterAid and FEI Consulting, Winrock will use a phased capacity-building approach to empower and incentivize LGIs and WSPs to collaborate to improve and expand equitable and sustainable pay-for-use water services. This approach is built on a foundation of transparency, accountability, inclusivity, and continuous improvement through use of data and evidence for informed […]
USAID Entrepreneurship & Investment Activity
Each year an estimated 300,000 young new job seekers enter Senegal’s workforce. With few opportunities for wage-based employment, self-employment and entrepreneurship currently offer the most viable path to self-sufficiency for Senegalese youth. While small and medium-sized enterprises represent 90% of Senegal’s private sector, most of these businesses are operated and managed informally, resulting in low…
Advancing Organic Agriculture in the Mid-South II
Winrock’s Advancing Organic Agriculture in the Mid-South II project takes a research- and evidence-based approach to generate and share practical information to farmers who are interested in transitioning to, and/or becoming certified organic producers. Focusing on the three mid-Southern states of Arkansas, Missouri, and Tennessee ─ where organic production lags behind much of the rest […]
Strengthening Competitiveness, Agriculture, Livelihoods, and Environment – Natural Resource Management (SCALE-NRM)
Uncontrolled logging is decimating forests in the Solomon Islands, a small country in the South Pacific Ocean. Many factors contribute to this problem, including economic interests, land tenure rights, trust between communities and government, and the regulatory environment. As a result, solutions will require a comprehensive effort to address each factor. The Strengthening Competitiveness, Agriculture, […]
Building Responsibility for the Delivery of Government Services (BRIDGE)
The U.S.-brokered 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement between Sudan and Southern Sudan provided for a referendum on secession in 2011, ushering in an era of promise that began officially on July 9, 2011, Independence Day for the new Republic of South Sudan. Before and after independence, Winrock worked with South Sudanese leaders and communities to begin […]
Protecting Peatland Forest Through a Social Forestry Scheme in Siak, Indonesia
The draining of carbon-rich peatlands in Indonesia for agriculture has led in recent decades to increasingly large fires and greenhouse gas emissions. Winrock is working with local communities to develop a set of peatland Social Forestry schemes in Indonesia’s Siak District to overcome the barriers to sustainable peatland forest management and promote the protection of […]