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Winrock International


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Agribusiness Competitiveness Activity in Tajikistan (ACAT)

Funded by USAID, the Agribusiness Competitiveness Activity in Tajikistan (ACAT) will increase the competitiveness, inclusiveness and resilience of the country’s market systems. The five-year activity will implement a market-driven, private sector-led approach to stimulate economic growth, increase employment and improve livelihoods by enhancing the competitiveness of Tajikistan’s agribusinesses in the dairy and horticulture value chains.…

Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Working Group Activities

Agriculture, forestry and other land uses (AFOLU) contribute approximately 80 percent of greenhouse gas emissions from low-income countries. To achieve their emission reduction commitments and also meet their economic development goals, these countries must implement Low Emissions Development Strategies (LEDS) in the AFOLU sector. Winrock International currently serves as the secretariat for the LEDS Global…

Private Investment for Enhanced Resilience (PIER)

PIER is an innovative climate finance project that incentivizes private sector investments in support of national development objectives that address climate change, such as National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), within countries of strategic interest to the United States, including Bangladesh, Dominican Republic, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, Indonesia, Jamaica, Mozambique, Peru, Saint Lucia, Tanzania, and Vietnam. PIER demonstrates […]

Compilation of Best Management Practices to Reduce Operational Emissions from Palm Oil Production

As worldwide demand for palm oil rises, palm fruit cultivation and processing have also increased – especially in Indonesia and Malaysia, which account for 86 percent of the world’s supply. However, the expansion of palm oil has resulted in significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from land preparation, fires, and ongoing production. This project aims to…

Feed the Future Resilient Agricultural Markets Activity (RAMA) – Nacala Corridor

In Mozambique’s Nacala Corridor, smallholder farmers, particularly women, play a critical role in any efforts to increase production. The USAID Mozambique Feed the Future Resilient Agricultural Markets Activity (RAMA) – Nacala Corridor will facilitate the adoption of good agricultural practices and technology to increase resilience and achieve sustainable increases in agricultural productivity to protect food…


Guinea has plenty of farmable land and water, a large youth population, and three quarters of its labor force employed in agriculture. But despite these advantages, the nation is still one of the poorest in the world. One reason is the lack of opportunity that prevents women and youth from contributing significantly to the economy.…

P4P Water Quality

Pay for performance (or P4P) isn’t just a way to incentivize sales professionals. Winrock has spearheaded approaches that financially reward farmers for reducing the amount of phosphorous that makes its way into rivers and lakes. Though phosphorous in fertilizer and manure helps crops grow, its runoff from fields also creates harmful dead zones and causes…

Wallace Center

The Wallace Center supports entrepreneurs and communities as they build a new, 21st century food system that is healthier for people, the environment and the economy. The demand for locally produced food is strong, growing and often outstrips the ability of small farmers to keep up. Through research, education and technical assistance, The Wallace Center…

Safe Aqua Farming for Economic and Trade Improvement

Bangladesh’s aquaculture industry is growing, but its small-scale shrimp and prawn producers still need help. They lack the resources and the knowledge of international standards to run farms and hatcheries to their full potential. By providing farmers with technical training and access to financial services — and by building the capacity of the trade associations…

Smallholder Protocol for Peat

Smallholders produce around 40 percent of Indonesia’s palm oil, an amount that is expected to increase due to the lack of land suitable for new large-scale plantations. However, a lack of resources and technical capacity often leads to extremely low productivity and unsustainable management at small plantations. With funding from IDH, Cargill and Costco, this…
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