The South Sudan Room to Learn (RtL) project is a five-year, USAID-funded project, led by Winrock InternaConal and supported by FHI 360. The goals of RtL are to: a) improve and expand safer educaCon services for children and youth; b) enhance relevance and promote learner wellbeing; and c) strengthen quality and management at the county […]
At 60 years old, Pauline Kangoro is leading a movement in her village. Pauline heads a group of 30 women moringa producers and together they are raising a moringa frenzy in their village of Koukouldi in central west Burkina Faso.
In Indonesia, agriculture — particularly the food-crops sector — is extremely susceptible to climate variability and change. Rice is a staple crop and is produced mainly through smallholder farmers, whose livelihoods are highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. To improve resilience to climate shocks and ensure sustainable crop yields, the John D. Rockefeller […]
In 2014, Winrock’s John D. Rockefeller 3RD Scholars Program held a competition for applied research concepts to assess the current value of mangrove ecosystem services in the Sundarbans of Bangladesh, as well as changes that are likely to occur due to climate change and other impacts. This is a summary of the team that was […]
This document presents Guyana’s submission of its reference level (RL) for deforestation, and forest degradation due to timber harvesting practices for results-based payments for REDD+ under the UNFCCC. In this document, and accompanying technical reports, Guyana has submitted detailed information on its historic emissions and projected emissions.
Estrada, M., Lee, D., Murray, B., O’Sullivan, R., Penman, J., and Streck, C. 2014. “Land Use in a Future Climate Agreement.” Prepared with support from cooperative agreement # S-LMAQM-13-CA-1128 with U.S. Department of State. This report is in support of the ADP negotiations on a post-2020 agreement and focuses specifically on the role of emissions […]
Streck, C., Harris, N., Hayward, J. and Brown, S. 2013. “Analysis of Approaches for REDD+ Verification.” Prepared for U.S. Department of State under cooperative agreement #S-LMAQM-13-CA-1128. In this paper, the authors present three approaches to REDD+ Verification, with varying levels of effort and involvement by experts and parties.
For over two billion people living in absolute poverty, water is everything. Access to safe and sustainable water increases peoples’ resilience and improves their health and livelihoods by supporting their basic needs — from drinking, hygiene, and sanitation to food production and income generation. Unfortunately, the way in which policymakers and water sector architects design […]
What is Energy Efficiency? Does Energy Efficiency mean comfort and/or savings? What you don’t know about energy efficient lighting? Do you think Energy Efficiency measures contribute to climate change mitigation? This is a number of questions given to the citizens and visitors of Batumi in front of the huge energy efficient light bulbs in Batumi […]
The Counter Trafficking in Persons Program (CTIP II) is a USAID-funded project to fight human trafficking and labor exploitation in Cambodia. The four-year project (2011-2015) is implemented by Winrock International together with government and nongovernment partners. The project aims to improve the ability and readiness of Cambodian institutions to combat all forms of human trafficking through […]