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Winrock International

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A Life Experience with the Rural Reconstruction Foundation in Bangladesh

August 13, 2018|volunteer

Winrock International invited me to volunteer in Bangladesh as part of the Farmer-to-Farmer Program funded by USAID.  In Bangladesh, the Farmer-to-Farmer program engages skilled American volunteers to provide training and technical assistance to support youth entrepreneurship in the agriculture sector and to strengthen agricultural education and training institutions.  My assignment was to visit local beef […]

A Guinean Experience

July 18, 2018|volunteer

In May of 2018, I was very fortunate to be selected by Winrock International to lead a GIS and GPS workshop in the Republic of Guinea in West Africa.  Below are excerpts from my journal I kept during the two weeks I was in-country: I flew into hot and steamy Conakry, the capital of Guinea, […]

An Animal Breeder’s Dream

July 12, 2018|volunteer

Recently,  I conducted a Farmer-to-Farmer assignment on Improved Goat Rearing for Youth Entrepreneurship Development with Satkhira Unnayan Sangstha (SUS) in the Tala upazila, Satkhira district of Bangladesh (22.76006 N, 89.25346 E). This assignment was my first trip to Bangladesh.  I was pleasantly surprised to see how well positioned the Bangladeshi goat industry is.  In my […]

Building Something Valuable

July 4, 2018|volunteer

Happy Fourth of July! This day, more than any other day, reminds me how Winrock’s volunteer programs embody many of the things that make the United States such a great country. Volunteers from all 50 states – representing diverse ethnicities, backgrounds, and academic and work experiences – contribute ingenuity, persistence, generosity, and hard work to […]

June Volunteer of the Month

July 2, 2018|volunteer

Jolene was nominated by the Nigeria Farmer to Farmer team because she demonstrated a commitment to the success of her assignments and never tired of the frenzied hours of hard work – developing training materials, training the host in necessary skills and capabilities. Country Director, Mike Bassey, said “Outside of Jolene’s scope of work, she […]

“Hope is Not a Strategy”

June 20, 2018|post

“Water variability has always existed,” said USAID Climate Change Adaptation Specialist Jonathan Cook, opening the fourth and final “Sustainable Water, Resilient Communities” event. For centuries, places and people around the world have depended primarily on erratic water supplies; in Cambodia, for example, people have adapted over time to the fluctuation brought on by the annual monsoon. […]

A Training Program That Makes Dreams a Reality

June 15, 2018|post

This is the sixth and final story in our series of World Day Against Child Labor articles. Thy La is 17 years old with only a fifth-grade education. He dropped out of school as a child because he faced learning difficulties. Without an education, his options were limited, so he became a monk, a common […]

Safe Work for Youth in Ghana’s Cocoa Sector

May 30, 2018|post

“A generation of safe and healthy workers” is the key message for this year’s World Day Against Child Labor on June 12. In honor of this day, Winrock will be sharing stories that highlight some of our innovative solutions to combat child labor and provide youth with safe economic opportunities. This story is part of […]

Better Prices for Better Vegetables

May 22, 2018|post

“We used to carry five kilograms of vegetables walking under the heat of the sun and knocking on doors to sell our produce,” says Remediosa Carballo, a member of the Mabini Farmers Association (MAFA) in Sta. Monica, Siargao Island, Philippines. “But there were times we got home with some vegetables still left in our baskets.” […]

In Cox’s Bazar, an Early Adopter

May 16, 2018|post

First of a series. Name a project and it has early adopters, people who take a new approach and run with it. Though each has a unique story, there are similarities: a boldness of spirit, a willingness to embrace the new and different, a deep concern for others. Josna Akhter has all these traits and […]
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