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Winrock International


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2015 Annual Report: Impact and Innovation

November 15, 2016

A LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Two years ago, we launched an ambitious reimagining of Winrock’s approach to international development. The aim was to combine our organization’s long history of innovation and achievement with new strategies and approaches to position us for success in a rapidly evolving development environment. The past year has provided plenty of evidence […]

Tapping a New Source of Light & Income

October 28, 2016

When Thy Vichet wants to light up the night, he often uses a resin torch. Torches come in handy when cooking or reading in the dark, when he wants to check his house or is on night forest patrol, says Vichet, 28, the father of two daughters who lives in the Sandan district, Kampong Thom […]

Friend of the Farmer

October 11, 2016

Dr. Jeff Mutimba grew up on a small farm in Zimbabwe, which was then called Rhodesia. He rose early in the morning to do chores and wash in the river before running to school. After school he would weed or take the family’s few cattle to a communal grazing area. Mutimba was lucky. The farm […]

La Thi Kim Ngan

October 3, 2016

This portrait is part of the USAID Vietnam Clean Energy Program’s series on women champions in the Vietnamese construction sector, featuring women who have made strides in this male-dominated field, coming from diverse backgrounds and with different interests, but bound together by the common themes of a strong work ethic, love of country, a strong […]

Video: Burmese Coffee Arrives in America

September 17, 2016

The story of Burmese specialty coffee is what happens when everything goes right: when the crop is promising, the growers are willing to embrace new production methods and the market is ready for a new coffee origin. As implementer of the USAID-funded Value Chains for Rural Development project, Winrock International is proud to be a […]

A Culture of Innovation at Winrock International

September 16, 2016

Winrock International was born on an Arkansas mountaintop — and now has 120 projects in 46 countries. Innovation is part of its DNA. After Winthrop Rockefeller’s death in 1973, trustees of his estate created the Winrock International Research and Training Center to further his wish that the farm be “venturesome and innovative” and provide tools to help people help themselves. And it’s done just that […]

Winrock and Concordia Form Partnership to Address Labor Trafficking

September 15, 2016

The partnership, the Concordia Campaign Against Human Trafficking, was announced Tuesday, September 20, at the Concordia Summit, an annual global affairs forum in New York City that brings together heads of state, Fortune 50 executives and other thought leaders. Winrock has been fighting human trafficking in the seafood industry for almost a decade through USAID’s […]

Saluting South Sudan’s School Inspectors

September 8, 2016

Story and Photography: Tom Willcox The students rise when Sarah Muja Longa enters the classroom. Longa is dressed in bold yellows and reds and commands an easy respect. Though she sits in the back of the classroom, she makes her presence known, working one-on-one with children who are struggling. It takes 30 minutes or more […]

Saving Cambodia’s Ecosystem — One Click at a Time

August 31, 2016

A complicated digital tool is about to be unveiled. It was planned and tested for months, was carefully conceived and designed with detailed stakeholder feedback and consultation. It could make a real difference in the health of Cambodia’s fragile ecosystems. But Mike Netzer is nervous. In his mind’s eye, he sees the little spinning wheel that […]

The Coffee Has Landed

August 25, 2016

Burmese specialty beans hit the international market. And Winrock is there to celebrate. On August 23, the first shipment of Burmese specialty coffee beans in the United States was ground, brewed and poured at La Colombe Coffee Roasters in Washington, D.C. It was the last step in an improbable voyage that connected 6,000 Burmese coffee growers […]
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