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Winrock International


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Asia Regional Agricultural Innovation Summit

May 24, 2016

Event Agenda Speakers Media Winrock-Organized Ag Tech Summit Kicks off in Bangkok Mark Young, CEO and co-founder of Garuda Robotics, makes drones — and he’s attending the inaugural Asia Regional Agricultural Innovation Summit in Bangkok, Thailand, on May 25 and 26. The summit is bringing together an unlikely mix of participants from 15 countries across […]

New Desks Make the Grade

May 16, 2016

Story and Photography: Tom Willcox Eleven-year-old Anna Adyero, a student at Magwi Central Primary School in South Sudan, likes coming to school. But until recently, she struggled to learn. Not because she lacked a teacher, though teachers are scarce in the world’s newest country. But because she lacked what many assume is standard operating equipment — […]

Burma’s Coffee Makes World Debut

May 3, 2016

The aroma was intoxicating; it wafted up from tables where nine varieties of rich brown Arabica coffee sat awaiting their fate. The color and scent were promising, but the final test remained. How would it taste? More than 100 people were packing the room to find out. Because this wasn’t just any brew. After decades of […]

Forecast Hopeful as Cambodia Safeguards Priority Forests

May 3, 2016

One by one they signed the groundbreaking agreement — 175 world leaders, joined by a delegation of children from around the world, pledging their resolve to protect the future of the planet. The April 22 signing ceremony for the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) in France is still just a beginning. For it to […]

Game Changer for Farmers in Bangladesh: ‘Now the Buyers Come to Us’

March 30, 2016

On a foggy winter morning in early February, smallholder farmers in the Jessore district of Bangladesh contributed to a hectic and previously unusual sight. Some farmers sorted produce under a large shed adjacent to a vast field of crops. Others eagerly bargained with the very buyers who, not long ago, wouldn’t have bothered to come out […]

‘The Coffee Trip of a Lifetime’

March 30, 2016

Something special is brewing for smallholder coffee producers in Burma. For the vast majority of coffee drinkers in the United States and around the world, java from Burma remains an unexperienced delight. But, with Winrock connecting hundreds of smallholder farmers with international coffee buyers recently, that may be primed to change. In February, two years […]
Group of kids showing off hand stamps

‘We Must Protect Them’

March 30, 2016

The USAID Supporting Forests and Biodiversity Project, implemented by Winrock International, with partners WWF-Cambodia, WCS and others, celebrated “Mondulkiri’s Wildlife and Us” in December. The event promoted the importance of the region’s landscapes and species and showed the commitment of local forest communities to protect their natural heritage. The celebration in Sen Monorom underlined the […]

Winrock Hosts US-Cuba Dialogue

March 25, 2016

As he wrapped up his historic visit to Cuba this past March, President Obama delivered a speech at an ornate theater in Havana. He explained his decision to seek normalized relations with America’s longtime foe and laid out a hopeful vision. “It is time for us to look forward to the future together,” he said, […]

A Forest of Possibilities

March 6, 2016

By Chris Warren Leyland Harcourt doesn’t need to read ominous scientific reports to understand why climate change is such a threat to the South American nation of Guyana. On a languid January morning that’s sufficiently hot and sunny for him to go shirtless and barefoot, Harcourt sits comfortably on the stairway of a home he’s […]

To Thi Loi

March 1, 2016

This portrait is part of the Vietnam Clean Energy Program’s series on women champions in the Vietnamese construction sector, featuring women who have made strides in this male-dominated field, coming from diverse backgrounds and with different interests, but bound together by the common themes of a strong work ethic, love of country, a strong belief […]
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