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Winrock International


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U.S. Officials Visit Bangladesh CTIP Shelter

February 8, 2018

“My local broker promised to manage a job in the destination country with 50 to 70 thousand taka (about $600 to $830 U.S.) monthly, but I was sold as a sex worker there and never get the money. Over a long struggle, I came back to my country but rejected by the society and even […]

Aditi’s Rescue

January 8, 2018

Over a half million Bangladeshis are thought to live in modern-day slavery. One of them was Aditi, who was trafficked when she was 19. It could have been the end of her story. Instead, it was the beginning. USAID’s Bangladesh Counter Trafficking-in-Persons project gave her the support she needed to make a new life for […]

A Conference, an Exhibit, a Plan

December 13, 2017

More than 330 participants attended a two-day conference in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on the National Plan of Action for Combating Human Trafficking. Organized by the government of Bangladesh and the Bangladesh Trafficking in Persons Program (BC-TIP), implemented by Winrock International, the conference featured remarks by USAID Mission Director Janina Jaruzelski as well as the secretary of Bangladesh’s […]
Winrock News

Life Lessons

December 4, 2017

“Before, I did not know what my children were learning in school. Now, I can guide them,” says Tamanna Khatun, the mother of five sons who lives in Khulna, Bangladesh. “I wanted to learn how to write my name; that’s why I enrolled in this class,” says her classmate, Parveen Begum. Tamanna and Parveen didn’t […]

Letter from Sumba

November 9, 2017

Illustration by Jessica Kelley; Story and Photographs By Anne Cassidy To reach Kataka School, you drive east along the coast from Waingapu, then head south into the rugged hills of Sumba, Indonesia. Flashes of silvery ocean appear outside the car windows, and, deeper inland, a herd of wild horses. As you near the school you […]

Local Heroes

November 7, 2017

Saiful and his friend Kalam* are as close as brothers. They work together in an easy rhythm, laughing and talking as they sort the day’s harvest of shiny green brinjals (eggplants). Looking at the men now it’s hard to imagine what they endured — and survived. “I thought I was trapped forever,” Saiful says. “I […]

Creating A Virtuous Cycle

November 1, 2017

At the 2017 Concordia Summit, Tamara Laine of the Karma Network spoke with Winrock’s Amit Bando, Senior Director of Clean Energy and Water, about how addressing clean energy, water, land use and environmental issues will empower the disadvantaged, increase economic opportunity and sustain natural resources across the globe. The conversation ranged from Winrock’s boots-on-the-ground approach […]

Winrock & USAID Launch Program to Fight Human Trafficking in Nepal

October 9, 2017

Hamro Samman is a five-year, USAID-supported program to counter trafficking-in-persons in Nepal through strengthened national and local government efforts to combat trafficking; improved civil society advocacy and engagement, and increased private sector partnerships to empower trafficking survivors and prevent trafficking of at-risk populations. On July 30, World Day Against #HumanTrafficking, Winrock & @USAID will launch […]

Back to School

September 19, 2017

In many parts of the world, September means back to school. Here’s what children are learning, courtesy of Winrock projects: The Green Valley Academy in Ilam, Nepal, is part of a recycling revolution. Before, the school burned its waste paper and plastics on campus, prompting complaints from neighbors. But now it provides recycling bins and […]

Innovative Pay-For-Performance Program Rewards Farmers For Improving Water Quality

August 29, 2017

Winrock International is pleased to announce the publication of Pay-For-Performance Conservation: A How-To Guide, a free comprehensive guide to implementing and managing Pay-For-Performance (PFP) conservation programs. The guide is based on Winrock’s decade of experience pioneering PFP conservation, including the Milwaukee River Pay-For-Performance Project, which reduced phosphorus losses by as much as 40 percent from […]
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