
Winrock’s Ben Odoemena joins USAID panel on agriculture, food systems and climate change takeaways from COP27
December 19, 2022
Ben Odoemena, Winrock’s chief of party for the Feed the Future Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) activity in Nigeria, spoke about his project’s approach to supporting climate-smart agriculture as one of five panelists in the USAID Agrilinks webinar: What’s Next After the ‘Implementation’ COP? Catalyzing Action at the Intersection of Climate Change, Agriculture and […]
“Deep down we are all the same:” campaign by USAID Thailand CTIP shares migrant stories
December 14, 2022
Understanding and acceptance. A place to call home. Decent work. A better future. Some desires are universal, no matter who we are or where in our journeys. Yet for many of the world’s estimated 272 million international migrants, fulfilling what seems like even basic human needs and wants is a dire struggle often waged quietly […]
Scaling up to combat illegal logging in the South Pacific – and cultivate an environmentally sustainable future
December 5, 2022
Chief John Andrew Kiri of North Malaita is blunt in his assessment of environmental conditions in and around his tropical community’s lands – and indeed, across all of Malaita, the most populous and largest island by size in the Solomon Islands. “In the northern region, the slash and burn gardening method contributes a lot to […]
ART issues world’s first jurisdictional forestry carbon credits to Guyana
December 1, 2022
ARLINGTON, VA, December 1, 2022 – The Architecture for REDD+ Transactions (ART) has issued the world’s first TREES credits to Guyana. This also marks a milestone as the first time a country has been issued carbon credits specifically designed for the voluntary and compliance carbon markets for successfully preventing forest loss and degradation — a […]
Winrock International awarded grant to advance broadband and tourism along the Delta Rhythm & Bayous highway
November 28, 2022
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARK. ─ Nov. 28, 2022 ─ Winrock International has been awarded a grant by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development to advance rural connectivity and improve tourism infrastructure in four Arkansas Delta communities under the Rural Placemaking Innovation Challenge. Winrock and local partners will implement the Arkansas Delta Rhythm & Bayous […]
Marketwatch op-ed: how we can keep cool without making climate change worse
November 22, 2022
By Winrock’s Mary Grady, director of the American Carbon Registry This op-ed was originally published on MarketWatch. Read the original story here. Recent heatwaves have led to thousands of deaths and captured headlines as we enter a dangerous new era of extreme heat contributing to dangerous wildfires and harming agriculture production. Yet, one of the […]
United States, Vietnam launch new project to reduce environmental pollution
November 15, 2022
HANOI, November 15, 2022 – Today, the United States Mission to Vietnam, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), launched a new USAID project to reduce environmental pollution through Vietnamese-led collective action. The new project, Reducing Pollution, is a five-year, $11.3 million effort implemented by USAID […]
The Climate Q&A…
November 10, 2022
You’ve mentioned the need to identify and plug climate finance gaps. Just how big are those gaps, and how can Winrock, our partners and others help to fill them? In simple terms a climate finance gap refers to the difference between what we need to invest to meet climate goals compared to what we are […]
From Jonesboro to Kathmandu: Goat sires from the Natural State go global
November 2, 2022
Lana Pyburn has fielded many requests for help finding interesting items over the years. As Winrock International’s senior director of procurement, she leads a team that keeps an organization working in more than 40 countries spread across all four hemispheres supplied with the materials they need to get the job done. And then there was […]
Science Venture Studio wins expansion funding and finds new home at Winrock International
November 1, 2022
Fayetteville, Ark. ─ Science Venture Studio (SVS) at Winrock, a nonprofit startup facilitator that helps promising science-and-technology companies obtain federal research funding to commercialize their technology, has been awarded a two-year extension by the Walton Family Foundation and will now be administered directly by Winrock International. Science Venture Studio works with early-stage science-and-technology companies to […]